Practical essential oils for today's modern youth is in recognition of International Youth Day. Our teens face so many more pressures in this fast paced modern world than we did. Pressures, mixed with rabid hormones, can affect their mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, this is contributing to an astonishing suicide rate in this age group. It is more important than ever that we use a range of effective essential oils that support positive mental wellbeing, but also to address sensitive issues like BO and acne.
Using essential oils like Lavender, Mandarin, Sweet Orange, Peppermint and Palo Santo we can create a range of luscious products to support our teens. Support them to make their own Deodorants, Body Sprays, Spot Soother Lotion and Remedy Rollerballs. Help them to save the planet and support their sustainability values by choosing natural alternatives.
Introduction To Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth
On the 12th August 2023 we celebrate International Youth Day in the USA and I, for one, am all for it.
Kids today face an ever changing world and landscape that seems to move at a breakneck speed and they have to keep up.
They face challenges that you as parents and myself, as a grandparent, never had to face. Thankfully MY teenage years are not splashed all over the internet in perpetuity! Our kids and grandkids are navigating hurdles and challenges we never had to face.
There seems to be more FEAR in our modern world and the news and social media platforms are full of it, but what do our kids think of it? How do they react and respond to it? What is it doing for their mental wellbeing?
It is no wonder that kids' mental health is in the fastest decline ever seen in history to date. However, we can use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth to help mitigate some of these effects on our kids. We can use them to support our kids' confidence, reduce their stress and anxiety and improve their mood.
There is plenty of reason for hope here and I will walk you and your kids right into a gorgeous fat and cozy bubble of it.
Pressures On Modern Youth And Young People Today
The world in which we live today is a fast changing, modern world, everything seems to move so fast. We want things instantly, quickly and there is little time to feel we can slow down.
When things move so fast, there is a huge pressure to feel like you have to keep up and if you cannot, that in some way it makes you less than, or a failure. Feelings like these can lead to declining mental wellebing, anxiety, depression, and sadly, suicide.
On top of that, some of our kids are going through puberty and those first ravages of hormones. They start to sweat and worry about their body odor being offensive. Their faces are suddenly breaking out in spots, pimples, blackheads and acne. They are coping with their changing bodies, a myriad of mood swings and the strong surges of emotions that go with it.
Just this is enough to navigate on its own!
Our kids also face a level of peer pressure that is unknown to us. They have modern social media platforms that play a huge part in their lives. This can intensify the chances of them experiencing and being victims of bullying, racism and gender bias.
Then the pressure is piled on with never ending academic expectations and they face constant exams and SATS.
Later, they may feel intense anxieties around making important college decisions or experience pressure to find work and be an employable and responsible ‘adult’.
We can use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth to support our kids through some of these transitions and challenges.
Poor Mental Wellbeing And Suicide Prevention
When you pile this much pressure on, it is no wonder that our kids sometimes experience a decline in their mental wellbeing and their confidence may dip from time to time.
Given that the suicide rate for our youths is so worrying, it is most important than ever that we harness the use of essential oils to support or kids and youths through these difficult and challenging times.
According to the CDC, the suicide rate of high school students in America is:
Among high school-age youths aged 14–18 years, 1,952 suicides occurred in 2021, making suicide the third leading cause of death for this age group (2021 rate = 9.0 per 100,000 population). Suicide accounted for approximately one fifth of deaths (18.6%) among this age group (2).28 Apr 2023.
It is astonishing to think that suicide is the THIRD leading cause of death in this age group accounting for a FIFTH (20%) of all deaths of children aged 14-18.
That fills me with a deep sadness and a worry that there is just not enough help and support for youths experiencing poor mental health.
It is important that we use every tool available to us to make a positive difference for our kids. It is certainly where we can use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth. Essential oils can be a very effective tool for us to harness for our children.
If you are worried about your child’s mental well being, please seek immediate professional medical advice and support from a relevant support group/line or charity.
Advice and Charity Helplines
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text CONNECT to 741741. You also can contact them through their website.
Trevor Lifeline for the LGBTQIA+ community: 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678. You can also contact them through their website.
I also found this great online resource for kids but it is based in the UK. However, it is chock full of professional support articles, pitched perfectly for your children. Check them out Youngminds.
Organic, Sustainable And Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth
I’m always shocked by what kids find to pick on.
A teenage girl had come home, absolutely devastated. Apparently, the deodorant she was using after her sports class was not an eco or organic one.
She had been bullied by a group of several girls who accused her of not caring for the planet. According to them, the climate crisis was all her fault because she was so thoughtless.
As a parent, where do you start addressing that?
It did not help that the family were also on a very tight budget that did not extend to ‘organic, saving the earth’ deodorants. Which upset the young girl even further because she felt she was adding extra pressure to the family.
As wrong as the bullying was. It makes us realize that our kids DO care about what is happening to the planet. They DO want to make sustainable and eco conscious choices where possible. Our kids DO want to save the planet.
It lends yet another layer of potential pressure to our kids and could increase their anxiety and stress.
Thankfully, it is one that we can help to address.
Making your own aromatherapy products with practical essential oils for today's modern youth, gives you control over all your ingredients.
You can:
- Choose organic, where you can afford to.
- Select budget friendly natural alternatives.
- Have control to recycle a cosmetic jar or pot however many times you like.
Learning to make our own aromatherapy products and teaching your kids how to do it too, helps build knowledge and control over what you include in your preparations. It gives the kids a good basis in using natural based products. Over time, with careful guidance, you can teach them the virtues and properties of practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth - How Can Essential Oils Help?
What Is Essential Oil?
Essential oils are the essence of the plant's matter, usually achieved by the process of distillation.
Plants contain natural, potent chemical constituents and compounds. They can be derived from the plant’s leaves, roots, seeds, flowers and bark. These natural compounds achieved through distillation are the highly concentrated essential oil.
It is these volatile essential oils and chemical constituents that give a plant its scent and that protect it from hazardous environmental conditions. They are also known to play a role in pollination. There are many other important functions and benefits of essential oils to plants and many I am sure we are still to discover and understand.
As you can appreciate, chemical compounds from a Lavender grown in the rich fertile soils of Provence are likely to be very different from the Lavender grown in the high altitudes of Kashmir in India. Kashmiri Lavender is one of my favorites, most likely because it differs from the usual French Lavender that I normally buy.
It is worth remembering that just because it sounds like the same essential oil, it could be considerably different in chemical constituents and active properties. Helichrysum is a sure fire example of this. Find out here why.
This is why it is such a difficult professional body to regulate, because of the potential for variation.
Essential oils are incredibly powerful and there are many and varied benefits of utilizing essential oils as natural remedies and practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth - How Do Essential Oils Work?
Inhalation - How Does it Work?
From the moment you open a bottle of pure essential oil and inhale the aroma, the essential oil is already at work. Imagine a fragrance wafting in the air - how does it get from there - to our nose and brain? What happens in that process?
Those miraculous scent molecules go on not one, but two journeys.
Journey One
Journey Two
When molecules of the essential oils reach the Limbic System in the brain, they can exert their individual properties on the brain and, consequently, the body's systems.
Topical Application Of Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth
We can also apply essential oils topically to our skin. They must always be diluted. The essential oils then get drawn down through the skin and the dermis and pass through our capillaries into our bloodstream. It is then distributed around our body, to our vital organs and to our brains.
Practical essential oils for today's modern youth are a very effective way of using essential oils as sustainable and natural remedies for your family.
Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth - Influencing Behaviors With Inhaling And Topical Application Of Essential Oils
Parents across the globe have been using practical essential oils for today’s modern youth to reduce and address the following behaviors in their children:
- Anger and frustration
- Anxiety and stress
- Attention deficit and lack of concentration
- Hyperactivity and excess energy
- Sensory overloads
- Sleep issues and sleep deprivation
- Meltdowns and tantrums
There is significant evidence through testimonials that small amounts of essential oils can effectively reduce all of these behavioral and emotional challenges that parents of children face daily. It can be a very effective way to employ practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
There are a growing number of clinical trials supporting the premise that select essential oils can reduce anxiety, relieve depression and uplift mood.
As a professional who has been working with essential oils for over 30 years I can attest that they have effects on every layer of our being. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Essential oils can be effectively used to bring calm to our kids, help them relax, relieve some of their stress, anxiety and hopefully, help them to avoid sinking into depression.
We can use essential oils to uplift our kids and affect their mood more positively. We can use them to help us bring more energy to our kids. We can use the vibrational qualities of the essential oils to help build their confidence, self worth and self esteem at home, socially, at school and at college.
Articles To Support Using Practical Essential Oils For Today’s Modern Youth
We have a series of comprehensive articles that you might find useful as a parent to support your kids.
- Elevate Your Self-Esteem: How Essential Oils Boost Confidence
- Essential Oils For Reading, Study And Storytelling
- Learning Disabilities: How Essential Oils Might Be Your Game Changer
- Meditations For Children With Essential Oil Blends
- Essential Oils Blends For Meditations To Calm Panic
- How To Make A Calm Kit With Essential Oils For Your Autistic Child
Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth
Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavender is a widely utilized essential oil for calm and relaxation. It is perfect for bedtime reading, relaxing, and reducing worries and anxieties during work or study.
When we reduce our stress, we improve our chances of storing and retrieving information we have read or learned. Stress can negatively affect our abilities to learn new information and retain it.
Lavender essential oil helps us retain that by relaxing us and relieving tension. It helps to improve our ability to remember and recall that information.
Research indicates that lavender essential oil activates specific neurons in the hypothalamus, which may contribute to its antidepressant properties. While more human studies need to be done, there is also plenty of anecdotal evidence that the sweet, herbaceous scent can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Lavender is certainly one of the most practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
- Please do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Mandarin Essential Oil (Citrus reticulata)
Mandarin essential oil is another of those wonderful citrus oils that science supports in reducing anxiety as does Fung (2021). Despite its zest and zeal, it is a beautifully gentle and nurturing essential oil.
In my research, Mandarin is the 'Hand Holder,' which can foster feelings of safety and security. It is especially good in supporting social situations where there might be social anxiety and awkwardness.
Mandarin essential oil is rather wonderful at soothing fractiousness and frayed tempers too and one of our most recommended practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis L)
Sweet orange essential oil has many calming and happy effects. It can reduce feelings of worry, relax the mind, and help you to feel more confident in yourself.
This oil assists you to feel calmer and happier, and it makes you feel more attractive and likable. Its sweet citrusy scent brings joy; it lifts your mood and puts you in a much more positive state of mind.
You do need to exercise some caution here as an essential oil which is cold pressed from the fruit's peel. Like many citrus oils, it is phototoxic, which can irritate the skin and cause rashes. Therefore, do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use.
Though, inhaling the oil is straightforward and free from worries about phototoxicity.
That said, a drop or two of sweet orange essential oil is blissful in the bath. It's my go-to oil when I'm having an ugly day. It is a wonderful way to introduce practical essential oils for today’s modern youth and utilize it with your family.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- Phototoxic so do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use.
Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia)
Many citrus essential oils give off that gorgeous zesty jolt that can boost your energy and improve your mood. Bergamot essential oil has a powerful, uplifting aroma and the sweet citrusy notes of this oil bring rays of sunshine and positivity into your life.
Bergamot helps to dispel negative emotions such as anxiety, hopelessness, and sadness while providing hope and well-being. Inhaling Bergamot essential oil aromatically promotes relaxation, eases stress levels, builds hope, and leads to an overall calmer feeling throughout the day.
Much research, including that from Rombolà (2109), has been into how Bergamot essential oil can help relieve anxiety and depression.
My research, on a vibrational level, shows it to be an essential oil that supports independence and allows you to be yourself and have the courage of your convictions. It is a great essential oil when you must speak up and speak your truth. This can be key in helping kids to be more independent and speak out.
It is one of the great practical essential oils for today's modern youth to utilize to build confidence and find their voice in the world.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- Avoid using it on children under 2 years of age.
- Bergamot can be phytotoxic, so do not expose skin that you have applied Bergamot essential oil to the sun for at least 48 hours. Unless you use a dilution of less than 0.4%.
Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon L (Burm.) F. )
The Citrus essential oils are well known and widely utilized across the globe for their stimulating, refreshing, and enlivening effects. Zesty, zingy, and perfect for pepping up your step, Lemon is no exception. And that is why it is found in our list of practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
Komiya (2006) found just how effective Lemon essential oil was at tackling symptoms of anxiety and depression and proving what aromatherapists have been saying…and doing for many years. The research study supports the hypothesis and theory that the chemical constituents of Lemon essential oil affects our mood positively and helps to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Not only that, but it can boost our energy and ability to concentrate and focus.
When we have a boost of energy and a willingness to focus, it can boost our motivation levels and push us further than we realize we are capable of. This is great when we need the confidence to deliver.
Lemon essential oil supports you to achieve; it can push you beyond what you dreamt you were capable of. In turn, this helps in building more confidence, emotional intelligence, and resilience.
My research shows that Lemon essential with that gorgeous zesty fragrance brings the joy and the confidence to 'have a go' and try new things.
It peps up our step, brings courage, and stimulates our heart space to open to new experiences. This helps those who like repeating the same patterns and who don't like things to change. Lemon essential oil can help introduce new patterns and integrate change more readily and with less anxiety and stress.
It is one of the best practical essential oils for today's modern youth to use to assimilate change more readily.
- Please do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- A lemon essential oil can pose a risk of phototoxicity, so stick to a maximum dermal level for 2% dilution.
- Please do not use it on children under 2 years old.
Rosemary Essential Oil (Salvia rosmarinus)
Rosemary's fragrance screams freshness and is one of our most refreshing essential oils. It helps to enliven our mind, engage our brain, fine-tune our focus, and laser points us in the right direction.
Intensely invigorating, is it an excellent choice for the study or work weary amongst us when we need an uplift or a quick refresher.
Moss (2012) found that the constituents present in Rosemary 1,8-cineole improved cognitive performance and Rahbardar (2020) found that neuropharmacological investigations have validated the 'anti-anxiety and memory-boosting of rosemary.'
Therefore, this research means it is a fantastic choice where we need to improve our cognition and memory recall and this is why it makes our choice as one of the practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
Rosemary essential oil is widely used across the globe to stimulate, refresh and give a mood boost. But what can it do for our confidence? My research shows that it is an essential oil to turn to when you need to do the impossible, when you need to 'face the fear and do it anyway.' Boosting your brain, enhancing awareness, and bringing clarity and focus, despite the fear.
It is widely used to enhance concentration and focus and comes alive when we need it the most. Rosemary is your ultimate wingman, use it to instill confidence and the bravery a good wingman offers.
Rosemary is a potent essential oil, full of solid constituents and properties. Therefore, there are a few more safety considerations to be aware of than usual, especially when using with children.
- Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
- The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
- It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.
- If you have any of these conditions and wish to use Rosemary, please consult your relevant medical professional for advice and supervision.
- Please do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Peppermint Essential oil (Mentha piperita)
Peppermint is an excellent essential oil for that beautiful, refreshing energy that washes over you like a welcome wave. Putting a spring in your step and a bit of zest back in your day.
Use it to improve focus, clarity, and alertness. Let it help you retain information better and then recall it with clarity and accuracy.
Soleimani (2022) found that acute coronary patients benefited from inhaling peppermint essential as it reduced their anxiety in the ER, which is a pretty extreme circumstance. However, it also means we can utilize those constituents in peppermint essential oil to reduce and calm our worries and study-related anxieties, even in extreme circumstances.
My research shows that Peppermint can be one of those strong companions, like the ultimate best friend. Instilling a feeling of being supported and reducing that sense of isolation that youths can often feel.
It’s a bit of a fierce and fiery essential oil and it can give kids a bit of the ‘mouth’ and the ‘zip’ that they need to fight back and defend themselves. Occasionally, it may mean a bit of back chat at home too, unfortunately. Healthy boundaries should help mitigate that, but it assists your kids in standing up for themselves and that has to be good.
It is a good emergency pick me up and reviver for kids that are deeply upset, especially when used in conjunction with the uber gentle Palo Santo. Two really wonderful practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
- The chemical constituent, menthol, can slow respiration. Therefore, this is one to avoid for children under 6.
- Please do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Cananga odorata)
This is one of our more sensuous essential oils, and I love how calm and cosseted it makes me feel. I feel it is perfect for bedtime stories for younger children or a lazy Sunday afternoon tucked up watching a movie with older kids.
It instills a sense of comfort and a layer of soothing that is difficult to explain. Try it for yourself.
Watch out for its headiness; use it for only about an hour at a time, or you could get a headache.
I like to use Ylang Ylang to reduce anxiety and bring in a sense of calm in a soothing and comforting way. It is Ylang Ylang ability to bring comfort that helped it make the list of practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
I also like how it can build the idea of self worth and self esteem. Gnatta (2014) carried out research where those who were given Ylang Ylang in the trail had an enhanced sense of self esteem, even if it had not altered their anxiety.
I love it for building confidence and giving soft, gentle encouragement. Spiritually, I find it is especially good if you have fallen out with friends or recently been dumped and struggling to process the emotions. For this reason, it is one of my favorite practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
- Not suitable for use in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
- Stick to a maximum dilution of 0.8% for adults.
Palo Santo Essential Oil (Bursera graveolens)
There is little scientific evidence on this divine essential oil to date in reducing anxiety and depression, but I am sure it will come.
I work with this essential oil a lot (in tiny precious amounts) as it elevates your consciousness and opens up your perspective. It can highlight where the core issues of your lack of confidence lie, enabling you to recognize and address them and heal the wounds that led to the loss of enthusiasm for you.
Palo Santo can be key in supporting kids, teens and young adults in gaining new perspectives on their emotions and bring deeper understanding.
Palo Santo moves you gently towards healing. It is a super gentle essential oil , supportive, and like an old friend guiding you home. I find it is the perfect essential oil when you need that gentle encouragement and do not feel any pressure. To do things in your own time, one step at a time.
This is like a hug from an angel, deeply moving, highly emotional, and spiritual revelation and one of the most spiritual and practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
How to Use Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth Safely And Confidently
It is important that you know how to use practical essential oils for today's modern youth safely so that you can teach your kids how to use them safely too. Passing your knowledge and experience from generation to generation.
Using this knowledge of natural remedies helps us to take control of our health where appropriate. It can help us live a more sustainable life and create a better future for our children and beyond.
When using practical essential oils for today’s modern youth you need to be mindful of the safety dilution rate because they can vary from one essential oil to another.
There are also different dilution rates for children, people in a weakened state and healthy adults. Here are some examples of how the dilution rates vary.
Examples of Differing Safety Dilution Rates of Our Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth | |||||
Essential Oil | Under 6 months old | Children | People in a weakened state | Adults | Notes |
Lavender | Do not use | 1% | 2% | 3% | Generally regarded as safe |
Peppermint | Do not use | 0.25% aged over 6 | 2% | 3% | Peppermint is high in Menthol, a compound known to slow respiration - Do not use it on children under 6 years of age. |
Eucalyptus | Do not use |
0.25% aged under 6 0.5% aged over 6 |
2% | 3% | Eucalyptus is high in 1,8 cineole, a compound known to slow respiration - Do not use it on children under 6 years of age. |
Bergamot | Do not use | 0.4% Over 2 years only | 0.4% | 0.4% | Phototoxic and only safe from this risk of phototoxicity under 0.4% dilution rate. |
Ylang Ylang | Do not use | 0.8% | 0.8% | 0.8% | 0.8% is the maximum dermal level recommended. |
Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth - Where To Find The Right Information
On every individual web page for essential oils and fragrance oils on VINEVIDA you will find links to all the safety data and additional information that you need.
For essential oils and fragrance oil, it can be found under the heading DOCUMENTS. Here you can find the IFRA statements and Safety Synopsis for each individual oil.
If you are still unsure how much essential oil or fragrance oil you can safely use, you can consult the VINEVIDA Calculator. It makes working out how much oil to add, an absolute doddle.
You could also turn it into a learning exercise for older children and get them to work out how much can safely be added. Get them to try working it out on paper instead. Give their brains a work out. You are also passing on important knowledge and experience in using essential oils safely.
Learning how to SAFELY use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth, is key.
How To Use Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth
Roller Balls
Roller Balls are really simple to use. It is very easy to make a selection of them to cover a variety of uses.
You could make one for reducing stress and anxiety with Lavender and Roman Chamomile. Another blend for motivation and enlivening the mood with Sweet Orange and Bergamot. You can include blends with Mandarin, Lemon and Palo Santo to instill courage and confidence in your child.
Personally, I find them easy to carry in a bag or a pocket, kids can usually carry them to school with no issues. You do need to check with your school about their individual regulations.
They are perfect for kids because they are super simple to use. If you get the safety dilution rates right, they are very safe generally, too.
For older children who might be a bit worried about what other kids might think, they can be a discrete way for your children to support themselves in public. They can be used very discreetly in a variety of settings like exams, tests and social groups and outings.
I find them an effective and versatile way to use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
Body Sprays and Deodorants
As soon as puberty hits and the hormones kick in, our kids start to sweat. Then they start worrying about smelling offensive to other people. Don’t get me started on the commercial advertisers role in that!
One of the most important ways we can support our children with practical essential oils for today’s modern youth is to address their fear of body odor or BO.
In my article How To Make Essential Oil Body Spray, I cover the dangers of letting our kids use all these commercial chemical based deodorants. Young men are being affected by infertility because of chemicals in commercial deodorants. Our girls potentially face a higher risk of developing breast cancer if they use aluminum based deodorants and shave their underarms.
How do we manage our kids' fears AND give them a tangible solution? This is where our practical essential oils for today’s modern youth really do come into their own.
You can develop your own range of deodorants. Experiment with using Magnesium flakes and essential oils like Grapefruit, Bergamot and Ginger as natural alternatives
If you have responsible older kids it might be worth investing in an essential oils diffuser for their bedroom. Encourage them, under supervision, to develop blends designed to address their current emotions or instill a more positive feeling.
You can place an essential oil diffuser out of reach in a smaller Childs bedroom. Adjusting control as and when you think they need it. A sleep blend with Lavender and Roman Chamomile in the evening is great to get them settled. Alternatively, if you struggle to get them up in the morning, a citrus blast of Mandarin, Lemon and Bergamot really helps!
You can use essential oil diffusers to create a convivial atmosphere in the social spaces in the house such as the sitting room, kitchen diner and den. If things feel a bit tense, drop something soothing into the diffuser for a couple of hours.
This can be one of the best ways to use practical essential oils for today’s modern youth, discretely and maybe a little sneakily! Lavender and Vetiver does wonders for a house full of arguing kids.
Moisturizers and Skin Care
My skin as a teenager was AWFUL. It was acne ridden and was getting exposed to chlorine every day as an avid swimmer. I ended up on Oxytetracycline much to my mother’s chagrin!
It pays to start your kids off early on the benefits of good skin care. It does not have to be ridiculously expensive either. Have you seen the prices of some of these spot and acne ranges? They make me balk!
There are PLENTY of practical essential oils for today’s modern youth’s skin care. Tea Tree, Lavender, Grapefruit and even a little Jasmin for acne that scars. You can make a whole range of budget friendly, cost effective and natural skincare. I have just written Acne Kit With Essential Oils as an addition to this article for those that need it. It is much easier to do than you think!
You can create beautiful light day creams full of that citrus zing for starting off the day. Use essential oils like Grapefruit and Bergamot that uplift them and give them the confidence to step into the new day. You can design one to be used at night, that protects their freshly cleansed skin, but also brings calm, reduces anxiety and aids sleep. I would use Lavender and Patchouli.
It really IS possible to create dual purpose skin care ranges for your teenagers skin AND their mood with practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
Aroma Pendants and Necklaces
Aroma pendant or essential oil necklaces are a modern and popular way to use essential oils discreetly throughout the day. People are using them the world over to help them get from one end of the day to the next.
They are used to reduce anxiety, instill confidence, reduce stress, improve cognition among others.
Now some schools do have rules about wearing jewelry to school. However, aroma pendants are an effective way of inhaling essential oils throughout the school day. Most schools will allow students to wear a crucifix or cross and you can get aroma pendants in this shape. I checked!
It can be another relatively inexpensive way to harness practical essential oils for today’s modern youth.
I find they are great for kids who are nervous in social situations like other kids birthday parties or larger social groups. They can be used with essential oils like Lavender and Sweet Orange to reduce stress, anxiety and make your child feel calmer.
I like them too for children who are prone to anxiety and depression and need a little extra something to relax and uplift them during the day. Mandarin essential oil is the perfect choice here.
Our Favorite Recipes With Practical Essential Oils for Today's Modern Youth
Body Spray And Deodorant
Teens really start to worry about body odor or BO and you can help them understand how their bodies work and what natural products can be used to combat both sweat and odor.
Make sure you check out my article How To Make Essential Oil Body Spray as well. Learn about the dangers of chemicals in commercial deodorants and why making the swap to natural products is so important. It is chock full of other great ideas and effective recipes.
Body Spray
Just a note or two before we begin:
- If you are using deodorant with essential oils for the first time, stick to a low percentage of essential oils and build up from there. Listen to your skin.
- For teenagers stick to 1% essential oils and avoid the known skin sensitizers. When formulating products for children, always do research on the safety data first as some essential oils are not suitable for children.
- A note on Magnesium - It is not unusual for many people to have low levels of Magnesium these days. Those deficient in it tend to experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation when using Magnesium on the skin. It happened to me; it wasn't awful. Unless your skin breaks out and is genuinely red raw, keep using it, your skin will acclimate to its use and sting less as magnesium levels rise. Do gauge it with good common sense; stop using it if your skin reacts to it beyond a tingle/sting.
- Measuring spoons
- Measuring jug
- 100ml Dark Amber glass spray bottle
- Stainless steel spoon or stirrer.
- Funnel
- Label
To make a 120ml (4fl oz) Spray bottle.
- 120ml Witch Hazel
- 1 tbsp Magnesium Flakes
- 20 drops of essential oils (1% safety dilution rate).
I recommend one of the following essential oil blends:
- 6 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
- 8 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis L)
- 6 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Eucalyptus globulus)
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- 8 drops of Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium asperum var roseum)
- 6 drops of Spike Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula latifolia)
- 6 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil (Helichrysum splendida)
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- You will need to dissolve the Magnesium Flakes into the Witch Hazel and stir them well. Depending on the size of your flakes, it can take some time, so leave it for a bit and come back to it if necessary. Keep stirring until dissolved; if you have stubborn bits, remove them or add a little more Witch Hazel.
- The mixture should develop an almost oily consistency when rubbed between your fingers; this is precisely what you want.
- Add in your essential oils and stir well to combine.
- Using a funnel, decant into your dark glass bottle, lid tightly, and prime your spray. (Unless it is for a gift or sale)
- Label clearly with ingredients for safety purposes.
- Do a 48-hour patch test at your inner elbow or wrist before using.
How to Use:
- Simply spray clean, dry under arms and allow to dry before dressing
- Avoid spraying into the eyes and face.
- Expect some tingling from the Magnesium in the beginning, this is normal as your body adjusts. You could try reducing the amount of Magnesium if it becomes too distracting.
- In the event of irritation (beyond tingling) discontinue use.
Now just a couple of notes before we begin:
- Some of us can be sensitive to the Baking Soda in this recipe, don’t just give up on it, try reducing the amount to suit you. Take a little time to experiment to get the amount right. Also if you don’t feel it is strong enough for you, add a little more and build up to an amount that suits you better.
- You can do this recipe two ways, you can keep it as a dry powder and simply dust it under your arms with a brush or you can mix it to a paste with solid coconut oil. A paste is more convenient on the go, but the oil can sometimes stain your clothes if you are not careful.
- Measuring spoons
- 50ml Dark Amber glass Jar and lid
- Stainless steel spoon or stirrer.
- Jar funnel
- Makeup scoop/applicator
- Label
To make a 50ml (1.7fl oz) Jar
- 20ml solid Coconut Oil - melted
- 1 tbsp of Arrowroot Powder or Cornstarch
- 1- 2 tsp of Baking Soda
- 10 drops of essential oils (1% safety dilution rate)
I recommend the same essential oil blends as given above for the Body Spray. Simply half the amounts shown.
- Pop your Baking Soda and Arrowroot powder or Cornstarch into a bowl
- Add in your essential oils, making sure to distribute them evenly and stir well to combine.
- You can use this as it is, using a brush to apply it to your underarms. An old blusher or powder brush is perfect.
Alternatively you can turn it into a paste:
- You want a carrier oil that is solid at room temperature, like Coconut Oil. You want it solid so that it makes a spreadable paste when combined with the other ingredients.
- Melt your Coconut carrier oil in a double boiler or very carefully in a microwave.
- Carefully and thoroughly stir in all the dry powder and make sure there are no lumps.
- Using a jar funnel, decant into your dark glass jar, lid tightly.
- Label clearly with ingredients for safety purposes.
- Do a 48-hour patch test at your inner elbow or wrist before using.
How to Use:
- Do a 48-hour patch test at your inner elbow or wrist before using.
- As a powder - Simply dust under your arms using a large soft brush and dress as normal.
- As a paste - Using a makeup applicator, scoop some from the jar. (This helps keep germs and bacteria from your fingers out of your deodorant - which makes it last longer). Apply a small amount under your arms and rub it in well.
- Expect some tingling from the Baking Soda in the beginning, this is normal as your body adjusts. You could try reducing the amount of Baking Soda if it becomes too distracting.
- In the event of irritation (beyond tingling) discontinue use.
Spot Soother Lotion
Ugh! I remember teenage acne like it was only yesterday and now there are so many wonderful essential oils on the market that we can use to help alleviate some of the symptoms of acne.
When I was a teen, I used to use a Cucumber based cleanser and it was the only thing that ever helped my skin at that time. With that in mind I later developed this ‘Spot Soother Lotion’ that is an absolute wonder!
You can use it to dab onto individual spots, as a toner or as a face spritz when your skin is feeling tight, sore and a bit angsty. You will find it will cool and soothe your skin like nothing else can.
Cucumber Hydrosol
Let’s talk about Cucumber Hydrosol, you can buy it from specialist suppliers, but it is SO simple to make yourself at home and I strongly recommend that you have a go. Once you realize how effective it is at soothing and cooling your skin you will want to use it in everything!
Here is a great video that shows you how to make a Hydrosol on your stove top.
Simply swap the Spruce tips she uses in the video for Cucumber slices from one to two whole cucumbers.
TOP TIP: Just make sure that any bowl you are using in the pan is heatproof.
Alternatives to Cucumber Hydrosol
If you can’t get Cucumber Hydrosol and don’t fancy making it, you can try these alternatives instead, though it will not have the same soothing effects.
- Rose Water
- Kewra Water (Look in Indian food stores)
- Coconut Water - But this will reduce the shelf life radically - make in 50 ml batches instead and freeze the rest before adding the essential oils. Thaw and then add the essential oils. Keep in the refrigerator and use within one week.
- Measuring jug and spoons.
- 250ml Dark Amber glass bottle and lid (You may want a bottle with a spray nozzle too).
- Stainless steel spoon or stirrer.
- Funnel
- Label
- 100ml of Cucumber Hydrosol
- 25 ml of Rose Water
- 25 ml Glycerine
- 95 ml of Witch Hazel
50 drops of essential oils (1% safety dilution rate).
- 15 drops of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Anthemis nobilis L.)
- 10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
- 15 drops of Helichrysum Essential Oil (Helichrysum splendida)
- 10 drops of Grapefruit Essential Oil (Citrus paradisi)
- Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
- Grapefruit Specific -Not suitable for use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery.
- Combine your Cucumber Hydrosol, Rosewater and Glycerin together in a measuring jug
- Measure out your Witch Hazel and add in your essential oils and stir well to combine.
- Mix the two together into the large measuring jug and mix thoroughly.
- Using a funnel, decant into your dark glass bottle, lid tightly, and prime your spray if you are using one.
- Label clearly with ingredients for safety purposes.
- Do a 48-hour patch test at your inner elbow or wrist before using.
How to Use:
- Do a 48 hour patch test on your inner wrist or elbow.
- Keep in the refrigerator or a very cool place - lasts for 6 months.
- Shake the bottle well before use.
- Take a clean cotton cloth, piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic pad and apply a small amount of Spot Soother Lotion to it.
- Dab it directly onto spots to help soothe any redness or irritation.
- Alternatively, wipe across the skin gently in upwards motions across the face.
- There is no need to rinse and moisturizer or serum can be applied over the top of it.
- You can also use it to spritz the face with a spray - close your eyes when applying the lotion.
- Do not get the lotion in your eyes, if you do, rinse well with clean, tepid water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice taking the clearly labeled container with you.
Remedy Rollerballs
Rollerballs are wonderfully versatile and most of all discrete. They are a perfect way to utilize practical essential oils for today’s modern youth most effectively. Kids don’t mind popping these in their school bags and in their pockets to use throughout the day.
Rollerballs are perfect for exam days and for days when your kids are facing more challenges than normal.
To put a Remedy Rollerball together, it really is as simple as taking a carrier oil, like Sweet Almond and adding a blend of essential oils and mixing them thoroughly together. Pop the roller ball in place, cap it and add a label and you are done!
Here are some of my favorite blends with practical essential oils for today's modern youth to cover a variety of emotional eventualities.
Remedy Rollerballs With Practical Essential Oils For Today's Modern Youth | ||||
Notes before we begin: | ||||
If one particular essential oil does not suit your child, feel free to swap it out for something with similar properties, but always remember to re-check the safety data. Safety dilution rates are 1% which is safe for most children over 6 months of age, but always double check the safety data and do a 48 hour patch test before you apply it fully. |
Essential Oil Blend Name |
Essential Oils Needed Each essential oil blend contains up to 4 drops of just three essential oils blended into 19 ml of Sweet Almond carrier oil. 4 drops of essential oils = 1% dilution rate |
Safety Information |
Calm My Mind and Feelings |
1 drop Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides) |
2 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Cananga odorata) |
1 drop Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) |
Ylang Ylang specific - not in first 37 weeks of pregnancy - use less than 0.8% dilution rate |
Soothe My Stress |
1 drop Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia) |
2 drops Mandarin Essential Oil (Citrus reticulata) |
1 drop Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia serrata) |
Do not use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy Bergamot specific - phototoxic - use less than 0.4% dilution rate - Not for under 2 years of age. |
Focus Me |
2 drops Sweet Orange essential oil (Citrus bergamia) |
1 drop Roman Chamomile Essential Oil (Anthemis nobilis L.) |
1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha piperita) |
Do not use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy Sweet Orange Specific- Phototoxic so do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use. Peppermint specific: It contains menthol which can slow respiration, so do not use on children under 6 years of age. |
Help Me Sleep |
2 drops Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) |
1 drop Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia serrata) |
1 drop Vetiver Essential Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides) |
Do not use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy |
Meltdown Rescue |
1 drop Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon L (Burm.) F. ) |
2 drops Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) |
1 drop Palo Santo Essential Oil (Bursera graveolens) |
Do not use in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy Lemon Specific - Do not use it on children under two years of age. Phototoxic so do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use. |
Safety: | ||||
How to Use: | ||||
Remedy Rollerball With Practical Essential Oils for Today's Modern Youth
I suggest you plan with your teen which rollerballs are going to serve them best and make a small selection that they can choose from to support them through their daily emotions and challenges.
Other Articles With Blends You Can Use In Rollerballs
Take a look at these specific articles for plenty of exciting and effective ideas to support your kids and teens to use practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
The Final Word
On International Youth Day we must remember that our kids have to face so much these days. They face pressures and challenges that we never had to. We can support them through these challenges and foster more positive emotions. We can do this more effectively if we learn how to use practical essential oils for today's modern youth.
We can use essential oils to teach our teens that there are natural alternatives that can not only help issues like BO and acne, but also uplift us, calm us and make us feel better about ourselves. We can show them how to address issues of poor mental wellbeing.
Remember that atrocious and worrying suicide rate in our teen population? I can’t get it out of my head.
Teach Them Well How To Use Practical Essential Oils for Today's Modern Youth
We can show them how they can make their own natural remedies, deodorants, spot lotions and rollerballs for themselves.
Teens want to make a difference and we can support them in making better and more sustainable choices for our planet. We can support them in this by teaching them how to use practical essential oils for today's modern youth to create natural and organic toiletries and skincare.
Persuade them into looking after their skin with practical essential oils for today's modern youth. Get them making their own lotions and potions, especially if they are a little self conscious of their hormone related skin issues!
Encourage them to use essential oils diffusers and remember that you can use them yourself to influence your teen's behaviors. You can calm a house very quickly with an equal blend of Vetiver, Lavender and Patchouli essential oils in your essential oil diffuser.
Foster their growth and independence and let them explore some of the benefits of essential oils for themselves, under reasonable supervision of course. Show them how to find the safety data and how to understand it for themselves.
Teach them well. After all, your teens may be the aromatherapists of the future. All the more reason to support them in using practical essential oils for today's modern youth.