Dwarf Pine Essential Oil Of The Month

Introduction to Dwarf Pine Essential Oil

Scientific Name: Pinus Mugo Turra

Origin: Austria

Plant Part: Needles

Scent: Refreshing, bright, and uplifting…smells of pine!

Color: Clear to pale green

Consistency: Thin

Perfumery Note: Middle to top

Initial Aroma Strength: Moderate to strong

Suitable Blending Oils: Herbs, woods, resins and spices

Breaking Down the Dwarf Pine Essential Oil’s Chemical Components

 When a  typical sample of the Siberian pine Essential Oil extracted from Pinus Mugo Turra was analyzed in 2013 around 109 compounds were detected and of those, 101 of those were identified. This means that there are still compounds that have not been identified and that we know nothing about. I always find that rather exciting! 

The predominant compounds and chemical constituents in the Vinevida Dwarf Pine Essential Oil are:

Alpha Pinene: 30.41% 

This is what is partially responsible for that lovely refreshing scent. Alpha Pinene possesses powerful antimicrobial effects and it is currently being researched for its potential to help people with osteoarthritis.

Limonene: 22.27% 

Limonene is a powerful antimicrobial, which is also very uplifting and refreshing, making it ideal for blends to uplift mood. 

Delta-3- Carene: 14.14%

Delta-3- Carene is a natural phytocide, which means it kills pathogens.  It is also a very clever compound at helps you to sleep. 

Beta Pinene: 9.64% 

Beta Pinene has very similar properties and actions to Alpha Pinene. 

About The Dwarf Pine Tree

The Carpathian Mountains are the natural home of the Dwarf Pine, where they are well adapted to its harsh conditions and to living in the poor soils of the mountains. It also thrives on sand dunes and mountains alike, but its predominant habitat is to establish itself in fissured rock. Dwarf Pine is important to the ecology of the mountain, as it slows the torrents of water rushing down. This in turn helps to prevent both avalanche and water erosion.  It helps, as its extensive root system snakes between loose soil, holding it together.

Its dwarf stem and shape, means its branches lie close to the ground protecting it further from erosion. It can grow up to 5m, usually across the ground rather than up and away from it like a tree does.

Local communities use the needles for drinks, syrups, and alternative medicine. The needles, themselves, are bursting with Vitamin C and Carotene, and imbibed as a tea, it fortifies the immune system against coughs and colds. It can also cure scurvy with its high Vitamin C content. Unfortunately, the vitamins and Carotene do not survive the distillation process into the essential oil.

Main Actions of Dwarf Pine Essential Oil

    • It is a robust expectorant for coughs and colds.
    • You can use it in inhalation blends for respiratory support. (Pieroni, 2014)
    • Try it for aches and pains, stiff muscles and joints. However, it can be especially effective for those experiencing osteoarthritis.
    • We think it is both invigorating and stimulating.
    • We also associate Pine with the classic ‘clean’ smell and it can be used throughout the home. Simple blending techniques can create something sensational. 

Dwarf Pine Essential Oil and Pain

Dwarf Pine Essential Oil is a very important Essential Oil when it comes to its actions on pain. It has been proven that pinene can change the body’s pain signaling. Pinene displays weak anti-nociceptive skills to turn the volume down on pain This happens through the mu opioid receptor in our body.

The research was carried out using rats (Otto, 2011), which showed that rats could tolerate pain for longer when exposed to Alpha pinene. Further studies reveal that the analgesic effects of Alpha Pinene don't quite match up to the strength of painkillers like morphine, but the analgesia lasted significantly longer. The rats that had been treated with Morphine demonstrated a pain threshold of 30 minutes. However, Alpha Pinene was still providing analgesic support for as long as 150 minutes. (Him, 2008) This may be key in treating people who suffer from prolonged and chronic pain.

Further, morphine is not recommended when driving or operating heavy machinery because it impairs motor coordination.  Since Alpha pinene doesn’t affect motor coordination (Him, 2008), it could prove to be a viable alternative in the future of pain management. 

Dwarf Pine Essential Oil for Aches and Pains

When we look more closely at Dwarf Pine we see that there is much research to support its use for aches and pains.

Currently, Alpha Pinene is being researched as a potential therapeutic option for osteoarthritis. We already know that it has restorative effects on cartilage.

Cartilage can be found between our joints, it is a live tissue that supports our joints as they move. It can be found inside our vertebra discs and is composed of cells known as chondrocytes. These are found anywhere where the joints are cushioned by cartilage. 

Chondrocytes Are Superheroes

Chondrocytes are responsible for the homeostasis of the cartilage and they repair damage to any injured tissues. Chondrocytes help to release substances to strengthen the cartilage and make it more pliable.

We think chondrocytes are pretty cool things and we are excited by their potential and possibility.

Chondrocytes' capacity to restore, means they present an encouraging potential as a future therapeutic for arthritis. Think of the exciting ways they could be used in the therapy of knee and hip replacements, it’s an exciting possibility to explore.

If we were able to influence chondrocytes, it could be a potential catalyst of change in the fight against osteoarthritis.

(Rufino, 2014), identified Pinene as a leading challenger to arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory action upon chondrocytes.

We also know, thanks to the research (Sun, 2017), that the anti-inflammatory skills of Alpha Pinene may be helpful against neuropathic pain, especially sciatica, and migraine because of its ability to modulate vasodilators.

Studies of sciatica models show that the pain-relieving effects of Pinene may be equally as strong as the pain medications the doctor prescribes. (Quintão, 2010)

Studies also seem to suggest that the neuropathic effects are sent via the spinal cord to the brain. This suggests back massage may be the best way to use Dwarf Pine Essential Oil for neuropathic pain.

Maximum Dilution of Dwarf Pine Essential Oil

    • 3% for adults 
    • 2% for adults in a weakened state 
    • 1% for children 

Precautions for Using Dwarf Pine Essential Oil

Tisserand and Young 2013, mention the possibility of skin sensitization from using Dwarf Pine essential oil. A study carried out almost 50 years ago in 1976 showed that Dwarf Pine Essential Oilirritated three out of twenty-two volunteers in the trial. However, it did not go as far as to cause any skin sensitization. It would be interesting to see if more recent research came to the same conclusions.

However, Dwarf Pine Essential Oil can have a reputation for causing contact dermatitis. 

Tisserand accounts for this most likely due to people having used oxidized oils. Fresher Essential Oil could potentially alleviate this possibility. 

We have to agree with Tisserand and recommend that due to the high percentage of monoterpenes in Dwarf Pine essential oil, it is best replaced every twelve months or so. This is because monoterpenes tend to deteriorate very quickly and once they deteriorate they can contribute to skin sensitization.

Ensure that your Dwarf Pine Essential Oil is fresh and that it has not oxidized. If it oxidizes it can add to the potential precautions, so buy small amounts and don’t store it for too long to keep your supply as fresh as possible.

This is echoed by the International Fragrance Regulation Association (IFRA) who suggest that you add an antioxidant preservative to essential oils that are high in limonene. This is especially so if you do not intend to use them immediately. 

Is Dwarf Pine Essential Oil Safe for Cats and Dogs in A Diffuser?

Dogs are resilient things and essential oils don’t tend to bother them as long as they can leave the room if they have had enough of the fragrance.

Cats are a little more complicated because they do not possess a certain enzyme that humans have that helps them metabolize certain constituents. This means the constituents (notably pinenes in this case) do not break down and stay at dangerous amounts right through its system.

Now this is an ingestion problem rather than an inhalation problem because diffusers project molecules into the atmosphere. They then fall onto the cat’s fur and then they lick themselves. 

So, whilst this is a hypothetical concern, it has real-world ramifications and we would suggest not diffusing dwarf pine Essential Oil around your cat. 

Diffuser Blends With Dwarf Pine Essential Oil

Many people worry about using pine-based essential oils in diffuser blends in case it ends up smelling like a public convenience! Fear not. Careful blending can completely alleviate this possibility.

However, if you want something invigorating, fresh, and clean-smelling, there is nothing better! 

Now, all of these recipes make 5 ml of UNDILUTED Diffuser Blend. You must label it as such and you can dilute it from this point, if you need to, for your particular type of diffuser. 

You Will Need:

    1. Small measuring jug
    2. Stainless steel spoon
    3. Small funnel
    4. 5 ml dropper bottle
    5. Oil-proof label.

Breathe Easy

This is one to help you breathe more easily and clear out those airways when you are afflicted by coughs and colds.

Safety:  Not for topical use

Winter Forest

This is the one to choose if you want to evoke those snowy Pine forests, freshly blanketed in snow and so cold you can see your breath in the air.

Safety:  Not for topical use

Clarity and Confidence

Need to feel clear-headed, focused, and ready to go with some sass and confidence? Then pop this into your diffuser and get the clarity you need to succeed.


  • Not for topical use
  • Do not use citrus-based essential oils or fragrance oils in diffuser blends if you have cats in your household. If in any doubt, print off the safety sheets and seek advice from your usual veterinarian. More information here: Cats and Essential Oils (Scroll down past the products).
  • Method:

      1. Measure out your essential oils and mix thoroughly.
      2. Dilute, if required, for your diffuser.
      3. Decant into your bottle using a small funnel.
      4. Cap tightly.
      5. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
      6. Be sure to mark it as UNDILUTED. 

    How To Use:

      1. First and foremost follow your individual manufacturer's instructions for your diffuser. It is your responsibility to find and follow this guidance, as we simply cannot know the individual instructions for every type of diffuser on the market today. 
      2. Add the amount directed by your manufacturer's instructions.
      3. We recommend using the diffuser blends for 60 minutes, but then having a 30-45 minute break, it stops you from going nose-blind blind if nothing else! It also stops you from feeling overwhelmed by them. 

    Recipes With Pine (Dwarf Siberian) Essential Oil

    Make sure for these recipes that your oil is not old and has oxidized. Ensure that it is as fresh as it can be.

    Let’s get stuck in! 

    Muscle Rub

    Let's tackle some of those aches and pains with an invigorating and relieving muscle rub. Work it into your joints too and get those chondrocytes to work. Remember, for those of you with neuropathic pain, to use this on your back if you can.

    I have used just 10 drops of Pine (Dwarf Siberian) Essential Oil in this formula, at a 0.5% dilution rate. Try this first and if you don’t experience any skin sensitization then you can always add a little more. 

    You Will Need:

      1. Small measuring jug
      2. Stainless steel spoon
      3. Small funnel
      4. 100 ml bottle
      5. Oil-proof label.


    Optional: A preservative or antioxidant - please follow the manufacturer's instructions.


      • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy


      1. If you are using a preservative or antioxidant please consult the manufacturer's instructions on how much to add and when. 
      2. Measure out your Carrier Oils.
      3. Then add your essential oils and mix thoroughly.
      4. Decant into your bottle using a small funnel.
      5. Cap tightly.
      6. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.
      7. Shake well before use.

    How To Use:

      1. Because of the possibility of skin sensitization, you MUST carry on a 24-48 patch test, please.
      2. Shake the bottle well before using it and pour a small amount in your hand to warm it. Alternatively, warm some in a small bowl.
      3. Work into the body part where you need some welcome relief, massage it in thoroughly to stimulate blood circulation and cell renewal as well. 
      4. Wipe off any excess oil with a paper tissue.
      5. Take care to not get any of the oil onto clothes or soft furnishings, it is oil and it will stain. 

    Chest Rub

    This is very similar to the Muscle Rub above but we are going to use a solid-state Carrier Oil instead for ease of use.

    Again, I have used just 10 drops of Pine (Dwarf Siberian) Essential oil in this formula, at a 0.5% dilution rate. Try this first and if you don’t experience any skin sensitization then you can always add a little more.

    If you are going to use this on children between 6 months and 6 years of age, drop the Eucalyptus dilution rate to 0.25 % (in 100ml this equates to just 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil). This is because Eucalyptus Essential Oil is high in 1,8 cineole, a compound known to slow respiration. It is also recommended that it be applied on their back only, and never close to their faces.

    You Will Need:

      1. Double boiler (or a clean and dry tin can in a small saucepan of water)
      2. Small measuring jug
      3. Stainless steel spoon
      4. Small funnel
      5. 100 ml jar
      6. Oil-proof label.


    Optional: A preservative or antioxidant - please follow the manufacturer's instructions.


      • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
      • Reduce the Eucalyptus to 0.25% for children aged 6 months to 6 years. Apply to the back only.
      • Not suitable for use on babies under six months of age. 


      1. If you are using a preservative or antioxidant please consult the manufacturer's instructions on how much to add and when. 
      2. Measure out your Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 100 is just less than ½ a cup (118ml) if that helps to measure it as solid.
      3. Place in a double boiler set over low to medium heat - ensure the water is not touching the bowl.
      4. Once the oil is fully melted, remove from the heat immediately.
      5. Work quickly, measure out your essential oils, and mix them into the Coconut oil thoroughly.
      6. Decant into your jar using a small funnel. 
      7. Cover the jar with a clean dry cloth and allow it to cool fully, this reduces the chances of mold forming.
      8. One fully cool, cap tightly.
      9. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.

    How To Use:

      1. Due to the possibility of skin sensitization from Dwarf Pine, you MUST carry on a 24-48 patch test, please.
      2. Using a wooden spoon or scoop, scoop a small amount in your hand.
      3. Work into your chest, or the backs of children between 6 months and 6 years old.
      4. Leave clothing loose so the aroma can escape and have a positive effect on your airways.
      5. Wipe off any excess oil with a paper tissue.
      6. Take care to not get any of the oil onto clothes or soft furnishings, it is oil and it will stain

    Confidence Boost Rollerball

    Pop this in your pocket or bag for when you need that extra boost of confidence. It is perfect for taking to work for those dreaded presentations or those social gatherings that always leave you feeling a bit awkward.

    Clear your head, get the clarity you need to succeed, and give your confidence a super boost like no other!

    You Will Need:

      1. Small measuring jug
      2. Stainless steel spoon
      3. Small funnel
      4. 10 ml Rollerball
      5. Oil-proof label


    Optional: A preservative or antioxidant - please follow the manufacturer's instructions.


      • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy
      • Cold-pressed citrus oils can be phototoxic so do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use.


      1. If you are using a preservative or antioxidant please consult the manufacturer's instructions on how much to add and when. 
      2. Measure out your Carrier Oil
      3. Add the essential oils and mix thoroughly.
      4. Decant into your rollerball using a small funnel.
      5. Cap tightly.
      6. Label, listing all ingredients for safety reasons.

    How To Use:

      1. Due to the possibility of skin sensitization from Dwarf Pine, it is advisable to carry on a 24-48 hour patch test please.
      2. Using the rollerball, simply apply at your pulse points and work into the skin.
      3. Wipe off any excess oil with a paper tissue.
      4. Take care to not get any of the oil onto clothes or soft furnishings, it is oil and it will stain
      5. Remember those cold-pressed citrus oils that may be phytotoxic, so don’t apply them to your temples or exposed wrists if you are out and about in the sunshine. 

    The Final Word

    Well, what an exciting Essential Oil with so much potential and possibility for the future, especially for osteoarthritis therapies.

    Rich in inane, it not only smells incredible, but it also has fabulous anti-inflammatory properties. The limonene is wonderfully uplifting and invigorating, a perfect choice for blends to uplift your mood and temper. 

    Alpha Pinene possesses powerful antimicrobial effects and Delta-3- Carene is a natural phytocide, which means it kills pathogens, making it a great choice to combat coughs and colds and stop them in their tracks.

    Try out the Diffuser Blends to suit your needs. Open up the airways with Breathe Easy. Evoke the spirit of the snowy forest with our Winter Forest blend and gain Clarity and Confidence with our mood-boosting blend.

    Make the Muscle Rub to ease your aches and pains. Turn to the Chest Rub when you first start feeling the effects of a cough or a cold. Hopefully, you can stop it in its tracks, if not, at least it will bring some welcome relief. Use the Confidence Boost Rollerball when you are on the go to give a beautiful and supportive boost where and when you need it… anytime, anywhere!

    Just remember that Dwarf Pine can be a potentially mild skin sensitizer so please do NOT skip those patch tests and go easy with the drops. Less is more here guys! 

    We are thrilled to welcome Dwarf Pine Essential Oil to our collection and we hope that you will be too.

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