Essential Oil Recipes For Cellulite

Jump on the bandwagon with me and let's make essential oil recipes for cellulite together. Grab essential oils like Grapefruit, Fennel, Cypress, Juniper, Geranium, and Rosemary and harness those amazing antitoxic, diuretic, stimulant, and tonic properties of these essential oils. Using them to target cellulite and saggy skin. Make cost-effective cellulite spa-like treatments in your own home, for a mere fraction of the cost of professional treatments. Create your own highly effective and dynamic essential oil recipes for cellulite like our wonderfully refreshing Cellulite Bath Salts. Massage is very important in the process of targeting cellulite so make our luscious Cellulite Massage Oil and get everything moving and flushed out.

Our super rich and nourishing Cellulite Luxe Crème will make you feel pampered, cosseted, and deeply soothed after your rigorous treatment. Use our Cellulite Quick Spritz for daily maintenance, helping those essential oils to have that beneficial cumulative effect. 

The Benefits of Making Your Own Essential Oil Recipes For Cellulite


There ain't no two ways about this ladies and gents but if you want to get rid of cellulite you are going to have to massage it. A LOT!

Massage helps remove the toxins but more importantly, helps to break down those fatty deposits that make up those orange peel lumps and bumps.  These need to be broken down in order to disperse them.

Thankfully, this is something that you can do in the comfort of your home, maybe enlist your partner’s help? Could be fun!?

However, you do need to be targeting the hypodermis, the deeper layers of the skin. This needs some firm pressure!

I strongly suggest doing a bit of research on the best kind of massage techniques to target your cellulite, at the correct level and pressure. It also helps to understand what will and will not work because not every massage technique will be effective. 


Gosh, is it just me, or is cellulite treatment expensive?

I did a little research on both commercially available products and professional salon treatments and blimey… you need a bank loan!

The one thing that I love about aromatherapy is that it puts the potential for incredible preparations at your fingertips for an affordable price. By making your own essential oil recipes for cellulite, you can control your budget and make something affordable even on the tightest of budgets.

Grapefruit essential oil is one of the most widely utilized essential oils for cellulite and here at Vinevida we sell it starting from just $5.99 for 10ml, it doesn’t get much cheaper than that. (And if it does, question the provenance and the quality)!

You really do have the power to make incredibly effective and top-notch products right in your kitchen. I certainly HIGHLY recommend trying these recipes out for a couple of months and making up your own mind. I doubt you will buy a commercial product ever again! 

Natural and Sustainable

Making natural eco-conscious choices is high on many people's agenda these days and one that we fully support here at Vinevida and your essential oil recipes for cellulite should be no exception.

You can take control over every single ingredient, choosing those that align with your ethos and your budget.

It is important that we reduce the amount of unnecessary chemicals that we put on our bodies. A quick search of Cellulite products on EWG makes you realize that many of these commercially produced preparations are classed as moderate to high hazards for us. 

I certainly don’t want to put those on my skin, let alone absorb them into my body. Do you?

Buy organic bases or ingredients, if and when you can and if your budget allows.  Especially, if you are purchasing carrier oils as you will be using these a lot across your essential oil recipes for cellulite.

Target your cellulite and Save The Earth, one bump and lump at a time!

Tailor To Your Needs

We are all different and if you stood those of us with cellulite in a line, it would probably look different for all of us. Most of us might have it on our things but some of us might have it on our bums, tums, and even our arms. 

Each one of us will want essential oil recipes for cellulite that target specific areas.  I have tried to design a range of fantastic products that will address all of your needs.

However, don’t be afraid to swap and change to suit yourself. Swap a base with a different essential oil blend, if you feel that works for you better. Just remember to follow the safety considerations for the essential oil blend.    

Make these your own and have fun giving them a go. They are simple and easy to make and once you realize just how effective they can be for you, I doubt you will go back to commercial offerings!         

The Best Essential Oils For Cellulite

When we are looking for the best essential oils to use for essential oil recipes for cellulite we want to be targeting certain aspects and troublesome areas that we associate with cellulite.  

We are looking for essential oils that have actions and properties that do the following:

    • Improve circulation
    • Reduce fluid and water retention
    • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
    • Strengthen connective tissues
    • Reduce skin irritations
    • Address skin conditions such as acne
    • Slough off dead skin
    • Flush out fat deposits
    • Bring nourishment, moisturization, and other skin benefits

We need to be looking for essential oils with the following actions:

    • Antioxidant - Delays oxidation and aging of cells
    • Astringent - Causes constriction of organic tissues
    • Anti-Inflammatory - Alleviates inflammation
    • Depurative - Fights toxins
    • Diuretic - Aids production of urine and increases flow
    • Citricasant - For scar healing
    • Restorative -  Helps strengthen and revive body systems
    • Stimulant (Circulatory) - Quickens physiological functions of the body/system
    • Tonics - Strengthens and enlivens the body/system

You also need to check your expectations, cellulite does not happen overnight and no treatment will get rid of it overnight either. When you embark on truly addressing cellulite with essential oils, settle in for the long haul. 

For quick fixes for a night out, focus on those essential oils that help deal with slack tissue and firm the skin. 

Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)

Grapefruit is one of the most widely used essential oils in essential oil recipes for cellulite for good reason. It has many of the actions that we both want and need to address our cellulite.

Grapefruit essential oil is wonderful at helping to eliminate unwanted oedema and water retention. It helps to detoxify the whole system, chucking out toxins and those fatty deposits.

It is also wonderful for addressing poor muscle tone and slack tissue. It is certainly one that can be well used to address the many aspects of cellulite. 

Miya (2021) cited that Grapefruit essential oil has ‘great potential and could be further studied for anti-inflammatory drug development, thus supporting the traditional application of this fruit for treating various illnesses, including inflammation’. 

Addressing inflammation in the treatment of cellulite is key to a successful outcome.

Relevant Actions: Antitoxic, astringent, diuretic, depurative, stimulant (lymphatic), tonic.


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy 
    • Grapefruit Specific - Not suitable for use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease the use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery
    • Grapefruit is one of cold pressed citrus oils that can be phytotoxic. Do not expose your skin to the sun, UV rays, or sunbeds for 12 hours after application. 

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Cypress is right up here as one of our favorite oils to use in essential oil recipes for cellulite.

It is another essential oil that is brilliant for addressing oedema and water retention associated with cellulite.

I like it because it is wonderful for improving poor circulation and for getting things moving through the body. The more you can move that blood and lymph around, the faster they can flush out those pesky toxins and fatty deposits. 

Cypress also makes for a wonderful overall tonic.

Orhan (2015) researched those lovely antioxidant qualities of Cypress that we can harness in our essential oil recipes for cellulite.

Relevant Actions: Antioxidant, astringent, diuretic, tonic.

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel is one of those essential oils that is always going to be at the top of any list when formulating essential oil recipes for cellulite.

Fennel is widely utilized across the world as both a herb and an essential oil as a diuretic.  It really helps to flush things through your system and this is just the action we want when addressing cellulite. Orchard (2017) included Fennel as one of the essential oils regularly used in the treatment of Cellulite by dermatologists.

After massaging the areas and breaking down the toxins and fatty deposits, you need something that is going to help remove them from your body. 

Fennel is also wonderful for relieving oedema and water retention, making it absolutely perfect for any kind of detox.

Relevant Actions: Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, depurative, stimulant (circulatory), tonic.

Safety: Do not use at all during pregnancy.

Juniper (Juniperus communis)

Juniper has earned its place in the essential oil recipes for cellulite and worked for its merit badge.

It is another one of those essential oils to call upon when there is oedema and water retention to address, as there often is with cellulite.

Juniper makes for a very effective detoxifying agent with its antitoxic actions and properties

However, I also like the tonic effects it has upon the body and it is rather good at firming up that slack tissue as well. Orchard (2017) also included Juniper as one of the essential oils regularly used by dermatologists for the treatment of Cellulite.

It is yet another fine example of utilizing an essential oil with varied properties for a multi-pronged approach to cellulite treatment.

Relevant Actions: Antitoxic, astringent, citricasant, diuretic, depurative, tonic.

Safety: Do not use it during pregnancy or if you have any kidney condition.

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)

I really like to include Geranium in my essential oil recipes for cellulite.

I find that it is good at boosting circulation and anything that can stimulate the circulatory system and get things moving is a blessing here. You want to think about moving things through the body and eliminating them. As a diuretic itself, it is pretty good at helping you along with that. 

I find it is good at helping to clear congested skin and this can sometimes go hand in hand with cellulite for some people. It is good for tightening up the skin and working on those slacker tissues and helps to strengthen those connective tissues. 

Of course, being a diuretic, you guessed it, it is also great at addressing oedema and water retention, are you starting to see the theme here?

Relevant Actions: Anti-inflammatory, astringent, citricasant, diuretic, stimulant, (adrenal cortex), tonic.

Safety: Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

This is an essential oil that you may need to use with some caution in your essential oil recipes for cellulite. It is not always suitable for anyone as a potent essential oil with many actions and properties. It has quite a long list of safety considerations. Please check them out before you get too excited!

Rosemary is a truly wonderful essential oil to use for poor muscle tone and to help bring some firmness and suppleness back. Used over time it can really help to improve circulation in developing muscle tone and strengthening connective tissues. With high antioxidant actions, it will also encourage cell renewal and production as supported in the most recent research by Pomi (2023).

Naturally…yes…you are with me, it’s rather wonderful for oedema and water retention. You are getting good at this!

Relevant Actions: Antioxidant, astringent, citricasant, diuretic, stimulant, (circulatory), tonic.


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy 
    • Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
    • The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
    • It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.

The Best Carrier Oils For Cellulite Massage

Rosehip Carrier Oil

Rosehip oil is one of my all-time favorite carrier oils. It is a highly potent carrier oil. So potent in fact, that we always recommend having just 10% of your final formulations as Rosehip oil.

The rosehip carrier oil is extremely high in antioxidants and very useful essential fatty acids. 

These have been proven to not only improve skin elasticity but to promote healthy cell growth and reduce inflammation. 

Rosehip Oil is packed to the gunnels with vitamin E. This helps us to flush both toxins and fat deposits from the body. Which in the long run helps to smooth the appearance of the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Not only that, but it is a truly wonderful cleansing and moisturizing oil for skin, especially for those with acne-prone skin. It is astonishing for reversing hyperpigmentation, sun damage, scars, and stretch marks. It can also help to reduce the signs of aging.

Can you see why I love it so much? 

But only in 10% proportions, please!

Jojoba Carrier Oil

Half of the battle with Cellulite is being able to flush out toxins and those pesky fat deposits so we want to be looking for carrier oils, like Jojoba, that are quite high in Vitamin E. 

Jojoba carrier oil is actually a wax rather than an oil and it closely mimics the consistency of our own sebum. It is the closest we will get to replicating what our body naturally secretes. 

It is widely used because it absorbs well into the skin and offers wonderful moisturization properties. People with more oily skin types prefer this carrier oil because it helps balance the production of excess sebum and oil production.

Jojoba carrier oil is widely used in the industry to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin, improve skin tone, and promote more radiant skin. 

It is ideal for use in essential oil recipes for cellulite because it has soothing and firming actions. When massaged into the skin, it can assist in improving elasticity and boosting circulation.

Argan Carrier Oil

Argan carrier oil is another ideal carrier oil to use in your essential oil recipes for cellulite. Again, it is wonderful for more oily and acne-prone skin which seems to suffer slightly more with cellulite.

Argan oil has quite profound skin benefits and it has a very low comedogenic score, which means there is less chance of it clogging your pores. 

It is yet another carrier oil that is high in that desired Vitamin E content and we can utilize that to its full effect by eliminating excess water or oedema, toxins, and fatty deposits. It then helps to smooth out the texture of the skin. 

Argan oil has some pretty amazing properties and can actually work towards restructuring tissue by promoting cell renewal and growth. Perfect!

It nourishes and moisturizes your skin and regulates the sebum production. It’s also rather good at reducing the appearance of scars, should you need it. 

Hemp Seed Oil 

Hemp seeds come from the Hemp plant and were once widely used across the world and they are gaining once more in popularity. Personally, I really like Hemp Seed Oil and use it in the kitchen as well as for preparations like essential oil recipes for cellulite.

Hemp seeds are super rich in plant-based phytonutrients which are disease-fighting, superheroes 

They are also chock full of those anti-aging antioxidants. And again we see those high levels of Vitamin E, we already know that this helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.

I like using Hemp oil in my preparations because it can reduce inflammation and the redness associated with skin and acne breakouts. I have used it widely in the past for a little girl with eczema. I am currently trialing it with a lady who has severe psoriasis. I also use it myself for that dry and itchy skin I get as soon as Fall starts until Spring begins!

If you have not come across Hemp oil before, it is a natural product with varied health benefits. It can be used as a very effective cellulite treatment, given that the oil helps maintain skin elasticity and encourages the production of collagen.

Hemp Seed oil also has amazing moisturizing, nourishing, and skin-softening properties. People with more oily skin will love this product!

Our Favorite Essential Oil Recipes For Cellulite

So here we are, at the rather exciting essential oil recipes for cellulite.

I will do my best to make the bases and blends as interchangeable as possible so you can completely tailor-make them to suit your exact needs. Just remember if you swap an essential oil blend, you also swap the safety data too! Remember that for any labeling considerations, please.

Think of this a bit like a weekly treatment kit. I would not use it more than a couple of times a week to start with, and only three times a week maximum.

Slough off all that dead skin with our Body Scrub and open up the pores ready for the deeply glorious Cellulite Massage Oil. Top things off with luscious and unctuous Cellulite Luxe Créme. You will be buffed and preened, walking on air like a Goddess! 

Use the Cellulite Quick Spritz on intermittent days to keep a maintenance program going and the essential oils doing their usual ‘thang’.  When we use some essential oils like this, they may have a cumulative effect, which means the more we use them, the stronger the effects can become. 

A note on preservatives before we begin:

You may choose to add a preservative of your choice and preference to these essential oil recipes for cellulite, should you wish to do so. Given the array of preservatives on the market and the many varied instructions, please follow your chosen manufacturer's guidelines for inclusion. 

Right, let’s get stuck into these wonderfully effective and dynamic essential oil recipes for cellulite.  

Body Scrub

Body Scrub

This is a rather delectable Body Scrub from our collection of essential oil recipes for cellulite. Rich in antioxidant carrier oils and chock full of active essential oils to get the party started.

You Will Need:

    1. Mixing bowl
    2. Measuring cups
    3. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    4. Jar funnel
    5. Large preserving jar with rubber seal
    6. Wooden scoop or spoon
    7. Water and oilproof label


    • 2 cups Medium to fine-grain Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Rock Salt
    • 2 cups Granulated Muscovado Sugar
    • 2 cups of Hemp Seed Carrier Oil (use Jojoba or Argan if you can’t get it)
    • ½ cup of Rosehip Carrier Oil

Optional - Preservative

Essential oil blend is at a 1% safety dilution, in approx 1500ml use 300 drops or 15 ml


    • Do not use it at all during pregnancy
    • Use a non-slip bath mat.

Grapefruit Specific

    • Not suitable to use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease the use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery
    • Grapefruit is one of the cold pressed citrus oils that can be phytotoxic. Do not expose your skin to the sun, UV rays, or sunbeds for 12 hours after application. 


    1. If you intend to use a preservative, consult your individual manufacturer's instructions and note how much to add and when.
    2. In a mixing bowl combine the sugar and salt well
    3. Measure out your carrier oils add your essential oil blend into these and combine well.
    4. Then mix your salt and sugar with the oil mixture and stir well until all the grains are well coated in oil.
    5. Using a jar funnel, decant into your jar and clean the rim meticulously to discourage the formation of mold.
    6. Label, listing all of the ingredients for safety reasons.
    7. Do a 24-48 patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Patch test please people!
    2. You only need to use this 2-3 times a week maximum.
    3. Use a wooden spoon to get the product out of the jar because every time you use your fingers you are introducing the bacteria from your fingers into the jar. This can encourage the formation of mold and bacterial growth.
    4. Take a good amount and work liberally into your dampened skin, pay attention to areas of cellulite and slack skin. 
    5. It is a good idea to work it relatively vigorously into the areas where you have cellulite, though don’t go nuts, think of your skin!
    6. Rinse off with soapy warm water.
    7. Spend a few moments working any excess oil into your skin.
    8. Use a non-slip bath mat to get in and out of the bath or shower!

Cellulite Massage Oil

Cellulite Massage Oil

You won’t need any other massage oil in your essential oil recipes for cellulite. This is first-rate and will certainly help to move those pesky lumps and bumps along over time, alongside great massaging techniques.

It has quite a strong green scent and it might be a bit medicinal for some, don’t be afraid to tinker with it to suit your preference - just pay attention to the related safety.  For instance, I can’t use Rosemary, so I would swap in Geranium instead. 

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring jug
    2. Funnel
    3. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    4. 100 ml dark glass amber bottle
    5. Oil proof label


Optional - Preservative

Essential oil blend is at a 3% safety dilution, in 100ml use 60 drops or 3ml


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Rosemary Specific

    • Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
    • The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
    • It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.

Grapefruit Specific

    • Not suitable to use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease the use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery
    • Grapefruit is one of the cold pressed citrus oils that can be phytotoxic. Do not expose your skin to the sun, UV rays, or sunbeds for 12 hours after application. 


    1. If you intend to use a preservative, consult your individual manufacturer's instructions and note how much to add and when.
    2. Hardly rocket science this one, mix the carrier oils with essential oils and combine them well
    3. Decant into a bottle using a funnel for ease, lid tightly.
    4. Label, listing all of the ingredients for safety reasons.
    5. Do a 24- 48 hour patch test.

How To Use:

    1. Don’t be tempted to skimp on the patch test with these potent oils, please.
    2. You only need to use this massage oil up to 2-3 times a week maximum. 
    3. Warm a little oil in your hand or in a small bowl
    4. Work into your skin over the affected area using firm pressure and broad strokes. Following lymphatic drainage techniques and specialist cellulite massage techniques will vastly improve the efficacy. 
    5. Remove any excess oil and be cautious of staining any clothes or household linens.

Cellulite Luxe Créme

Cellulite Luxe Créme

This is a truly wonderful, rich luxe créme and I am sure that you will love it as one of our essential oil recipes for cellulite.

However, I have to confess that it is easier to scale things up for this and make at least one liter to make 4 x 250ml (8.45 fl oz) jars. You can always make the base and add different essential oil blends. They also make rather decadent gifts that are always gratefully received. 

This tutorial shows you how to scale this recipe up and gives you plenty of alternatives to tailor to your exact needs - Luxe Creams With Essential Oils Fit For Royalty.

We shall focus on making just 100ml in this recipe. 

You Will Need:
    1. Double boiler
    2. Measuring scale
    3. Mixing bowl or measuring jug
    4. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    5. Jar funnel
    6. 100ml dark amber glass jar
    7. Label


    • 1 tbsp of Shea Butter
    • 2 tbsp Beeswax
    • 1 tbsp of Argan Oil
    • 1 tbsp of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (solid)
    • 1 tsp of Glycerine
    • 1 tsp Rosewater
    • 2 tbsp Aqueous Cream

Optional - Preservative

Essential oil blend is at a 3% safety dilution, in 100ml use 60 drops or 3ml

(Note: If you are making a liter after all, simply multiply these quantities by x10) 


    • Do not use it at all during pregnancy.

Grapefruit Specific - 

    • Not suitable to use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease the use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery.
    • Grapefruit is one of cold pressed citrus oils that can be phytotoxic. Do not expose your skin to the sun, UV rays, or sunbeds for 12 hours after application. 


Part One - Melting The Ingredients In A Double Boiler
    1. If you intend to use a preservative, consult your individual manufacturer's instructions and note how much to add and when.
    2. Set a double boiler over low to medium heat.
    3. It is important to make sure the base is not touching the water. You do not want to scorch or burn your precious butter. In reality, you want to heat your butter as little as possible.
    4. Add the beeswax to the double boiler and let it melt slowly, once almost melted add the butter and allow them to melt.
    5. Finally, add the Coconut carrier oil, and as soon as it is melted, remove it all from the heat.
    6. Pour it all into a bowl that you can fit in the fridge.
Part Two - Cool Down
    1. Place in the fridge. Leave it for at least 20-30 minutes.
    2. The sweet spot you are looking for here is when it is just starting to solidify again but is not totally solid.
    3. While you are waiting for the mix to cool, measure out the rest of your ingredients and have them to hand.
    4. As soon as the wax and butter have started to solidify, remove them from the fridge and decant them into a large non-reactive mixing bowl.
    5. Using a silicone spatula helps you get every last glorious morsel out of the bowl.
Part Three - Mixing
    1. Slowly start to whisk the contents of the bowl.
    2. Add the carrier oils in a slow stream. Allow those to become incorporated before adding another ingredient.
    3. Whisk in the Glycerine and again, mix thoroughly until combined.
    4. Very slowly, add the aqueous cream base a small dollop at a time and whisk thoroughly.
    5. Make sure that all ingredients are fully incorporated by giving a good final whisk.
Part Four - Fine Tuning
    1. This is the best time to check the ‘skin feel’ of your Luxe Cream and try it out. 
    2. Ask yourself - Does it feel lumpy or grainy? That can be the waxes or butter. You can mix it more thoroughly, maybe try a stronger whisk or machine. Those grainy bits are tiny little lumps of butter or wax and they soon disappear as you rub them into your skin. Think of them like little ‘magic pearls’ of nourishment!
    3. If the ‘skin feel’ is a bit too oily for you, add some Kaolin Clay Powder.
    4. If it feels too thick for you, slacken it off with Rosewater, hydrosol, or Spring water
    5. If it feels too thin and not rich enough, try mixing in more hard cosmetic butter, like Mango Butter. 
Part Five - The Final Touches 
    1. You are now ready to add your essential oil blend and mix in until it is completely combined and wonderfully fragrant. 
    2. Decant into a 100ml jar and clean the rims carefully. Allow the mix to cool fully (or it could go moldy - hear me on this) and then lid tightly.
    3. Clearly label listing all ingredients for safety reasons and add the date too. 

How To Use:

    1. Please don’t skip that 24- 48 hour patch test before using it on your body.
    2. This is such a beautifully rich and nourishing luxe créme, which is a real treat for your body. Because it is such a rich experience, we don’t recommend using it daily. Using it 2 - 3 times a week is more than enough and it is probably best used at night. You can literally feel your skin ‘drinking’ in the goodness.
    3. Slather it on liberally, just mind you don’t put it on your intimate areas though.
    4. Remember that the massaging effect is just as important as the cream, so really pay attention to applying it and massage it well following lymphatic drainage techniques. 

Cellulite Quick Spritz

This must be the quickest and easiest product to make out of the essential oil recipes for cellulite. Just a quick spritz worked into the skin every day helps create that maintenance program we talked about. Topping up your quota of essential oils, to keep things working and moving between your targeted treatments at home. 

You Will Need:

    1. Measuring Jug
    2. Funnel
    3. Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    4. 100 ml Spray bottle
    5. Label


    • 30 ml of Rosewater
    • 50 ml of Witch Hazel
    • 20 ml of high proof Vodka or Rubbing Alcohol

Optional - Preservative

Essential oil blend is at a 3% safety dilution, in 100ml use 60 drops or 3ml


    • Do not use it during pregnancy.

Grapefruit Specific - 

    • Not suitable to use for people who have platelet disorders or are on blood thinning medication. It is suggested you cease the use of grapefruit essential oil 48 hours before any planned surgery
    • Grapefruit is one of the cold-pressed citrus oils that can be phytotoxic. Do not expose your skin to the sun, UV rays, or sunbeds for 12 hours after application. 


    1. If you intend to use a preservative, consult your individual manufacturer's instructions and note how much to add and when.
    2. Measure out each of your ingredients carefully.
    3. Combine in a small measuring jug.
    4. Add your essential oil blend and combine well.
    5. Use a funnel to decant into your spray nozzle bottle and prime the pump. 
    6. Label, listing all ingredients clearly and date.
    7. Do a 24- 48 hour patch test, please. 

How To Use:

    1. Don’t skip that patch test guys!
    2. In warm weather, keeping this in the fridge can be a wonderfully refreshing experience.
    3. Use it between your home cellulite treatments on intermittent days. It can be used daily if preferred. 
    4. Simply spritz over the target area avoiding intimate areas and eyes.
    5. Rub it in briskly and allow it to air dry before dressing.

The Final Word

I have really enjoyed your joining me for essential oil recipes for cellulite. I hope that you find something here to target those areas that cause you a little consternation. 

Remember there are two key points in addressing cellulite:

    1. The need to use massage alongside your essential oil recipes for cellulite, because massage breaks down those fatty deposits and helps to move those toxins through and out of your body.
    2. Settle in for the long haul and make good use of the cumulative effects of the essential oils. 

Harness those amazing antitoxic, diuretic, stimulant, and tonic properties of essential oils. Use Grapefruit, Fennel, Cypress, Juniper, Geranium, and Rosemary essential oils to their fullest effect.

Use our recommended essential oils for cellulite and saggy skin in the recommended essential oil blends, or create your own. 

Create your own cellulite spa-like treatments to use in your own home for a mere fraction of the cost. Make your own wonderful Cellulite Bath Salts and our luscious and effective Cellulite Massage Oil. Have a go at making our rich and deeply nourishing Cellulite Luxe Crème and keep things maintained with our super duper Cellulite Quick Spritz. Make them all for a full and highly effective Cellulite Kit.

You really can take these essential oil recipes for cellulite and turn them into tangible results if you are committed and persistent. However you decide to use your essential oil recipes for cellulite, I wish you super smooth results.

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