How to Boost Your Confidence With Essential Oils

Jump right in and learn how to boost your confidence with essential oils like Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Lavender, Rose Geranium and Ylang Ylang. Capitalize on all their wonderful properties to calm your anxieties, reduce your stress and make space for clarity, focus and new perspective. Pave the way for success and to build your confidence naturally.

The process of olfaction helps your brain process these amazing scents and properties and turn them into real and tangible mental, emotional and physical changes within you. Harness this practice of olfaction and use the Confidence essential oil blends in Rollerballs, Aroma Pendant, Scented Candles and Diffusers.

We even show you how to use and incorporate these in your beauty products, toiletries and around the home. If you want to know how to boost your confidence effectively, start here!

Understanding How To Boost Your Confidence With Essential Oils

Confidence is such a fragile thing. One minute we can be buzzing with it and the next we hear a comment or have self doubt creep in and we are all at sea with ourselves. Then stress and anxiety can join in the party and compound the issue even further. Then our confidence slumps like an old saggy mattress.

But, we do have choices. We can choose to let the self doubts or detractors get the better of us or we can hold our heads high and fight back. When we choose the latter, we can have essential oils in our toolkit ready to help us turn things around.

We are so used to addressing physical ailments with essential oils that we forget about the more emotional and metaphysical aspects of ourselves.  We can use essential oils to support and boost our self esteem and confidence in a myriad of ways. 

How To Boost Your Confidence With Olfaction

Ol… - what now?

Olfaction - the act of smelling.

Yet, it is deeper that that, is not just the action of smelling, it is also the powerful actions that have a chain reaction in the brain and the subsequent actions upon our bodies.

Our sense of smell is closely linked to memory, which is why scents can transport you back to distant childhood memories like it was yesterday.

There is significant research on olfaction with essential oils that supports the theory that you only have to smell some essential oils for their chemical constituents to have a physical and emotional effect upon your body.

We all know Lavender is widely used for its fragrant calming and soothing properties. Geol (2005) used Olfaction in a group of young adults and found it to improve bothe deep and slow wave sleep and that Lavender provided sedative-like effects.

These scents are composed of thousands of tiny molecules. When we breathe them in our brains and consequently our nervous systems respond to these molecules in specific ways. Many essential oils interact with our nervous system in some way and to varying degrees.

As an example, Lavender and Jasmine both have calming properties. This happens by interacting with GABA, the feel-good neurotransmitter,  releasing the feel good hormone Serotonin.

When we have high levels of Serotonin,  it can lead to improved self-confidence. This can be a prompt to push you further, encourage and motivate you to do things that will also build upon your self worth, esteem and confidence. 

More Reading:

Gain some deeper understanding and have a look at Liz’s brilliant article on Olfaction - Exciting New Discoveries Around The Benefits Of Inhaling Essential Oils.

How to Boost Your Confidence With Essential Oils

We can use just the SCENT of an essential oil when you are first learning how to boost your confidence. This makes it extremely discrete, as we are able to use them at work or out socially without drawing too much attention to ourselves.

We can harness the powers of essential oils in products like Rollerballs, Aroma Pendants, Room/Body Sprays, Scented Candles and our toiletries and beauty products.

Let’s take a closer look at these and explore how you can best utilize them.

Boost Your Confidence With Rollerballs

Boost Your Confidence With Rollerballs

Rollerballs are the perfect delivery method if you need something quick, easy and discrete to use at work or out and about.

You simply fill the bottle with essential oils diluted in a carrier oil.

You can use them just to inhale as and when you need it and make the most of olfaction. Alternatively, you can roll it onto your pulse points and rub it in, to then be absorbed through the skin.

I’m a fan of both ways and I like the fact that I can choose to put it onto my sensitive skin …or not. I love Lemon and Lime essential oils but occasionally, my skin doesn’t. This way, I can get all the benefits of these essential oils without applying them to my skin. 

Boost Your Confidence With Aroma Pendants

Boost Your Confidence With Aroma Pendants

These are a boon for kids taking exams and that just need a little boost. They can sit and inhale the aromas that are going to focus them, clear their mind and bring a bit of extra confidence to them too.

I have one and I use it for so many reasons that I have just resorted to using cotton wool pads now, instead of the replacement felt pads to place the drops of essential oils on. 

They are extremely discrete and just look like a decorative pendant. However, you can add your own personal essential oil blend that you have tailored just for your own needs to support you throughout your day. It’s not going to look out of place in the boardroom or at the event you have been dreading!

This is the beauty of using products like this, you can design an essential oil blend solely for yourself and when you fancy or need a change, you just swap the felt/cotton pad out and change the blend.

When you start learning how to boost your confidence, tools like this come in very handy indeed.

Find more information on Aroma Pendants here How To Make An Essential Oil Necklace.

Boost Your Confidence With Room & Body Sprays

Boost Your Confidence With Room & Body Sprays

Room and Body Sprays are a great way to get results and fast.

You can calm a room of fractious kids with just a few bursts of a room spray and a quick spritz of body spray can have you holding your head high in no time.

The body sprays are ideal for those people that are a bit nervy about stepping out onto the stage, sports field or podium. A last minute spritz of support and a bolstering of confidence.

The only limit to using these is in your imagination. I make sprays that are designed for energy clearance and use them after dealing with tough customers. It not only clears my energy but it gives me that boost of confidence to be able to deal with the next customer with a smile on my face.

These two products are very similar in process to make, it is generally the ratio of essential oils that tends to differ. One is made to go on your skin, the other is not. These two articles will take you in the right direction. How To Make Essential Oil Body Spray & How To Make Essential Oil Room Spray.

Boost Your Confidence With Scented Candles & Diffusers

Boost Your Confidence With Scented Candles & Diffusers

We think of home as being our safe sanctuary but for many, it is not. It can be a place of tension, fractiousness, trepidation and stress.

Sadly, people from all walks of life are treading on eggshells in their homes. This can lead to a rapid decline in self esteem and our self confidence. Essential oils can be used to support us during this time and discreetly too.

Using essential oils that bring calm like Lavender and Chamomile and ones that raise our spirits like Bergamot and Sweet Orange can be employed not only to calm and bolster you, but the others in your household as well.

Essential oil diffusers can quickly pervade a room and change the energy and atmosphere…. For the better. 

Boost Your Confidence With Toiletries & Beauty Products

Boost Your Confidence With Toiletries & Beauty Products

If you are making your own toiletries and beauty products you could add your confidence essential oil blend into those.

I do this all the time, make an essential oil blend designed to target something specific like lowering my blood pressure, alleviating PMS or just refining open pores. I add them into blank toiletry bases like bath lotions, moisturizers and bath oils.

However, I ALWAYS am considering my emotional and mental wellbeing at the time and addressing issues there as well.

Right now, I am recovering from a wicked cold and I am more than a little fed up. The weather is lovely, it would be fab to see friends but I’m cooped up like a clucky sulky chicken. Needless to say, the Sweet Orange, Lemon and Bergamot are being inhaled rather indiscriminately. I’ve also added a few drops to my night time moisturizer as well.

You do need to be a little careful with the cold pressed citrus essential oils like Bergamot and Sweet Orange as they are phytotoxic. Therefore, you don’t want to expose your skin to the sun for at least 12 hours after using it. UNLESS you keep your safety dilution ratio below 0.40%. In 100ml of body lotion that equates to approximately 8 drops of essential oils or 0.4ml.

If you want to learn how to layer your scent and add your essential blends for confidence to a variety of home and beauty products, then check out these two articles.

Layering Perfumes With Essential Oils - The Body Edition & Layering Perfumes With Essential Oils - The Home Edition.

Our Favorite Essential Oils to Boost Your Confidence

When it comes to essential oils for confidence and using essential oils for self esteem these are our favorites. The ones that we turn to time and again and are widely used by aromatherapists in the industry.

The tried, tested and proven for when you are just starting on your journey and learning how to boost your confidence with essential oils.

Citrus essential oils are always going to be high on the list with their bright zingy, zest for life and clean crisp fragrances. If someone has never smelt an essential oil, always give them Sweet Orange to smell first. Very often, the first response is always positive and it gives them the desire to explore and discover more…. The confidence to try new things and take a step forward.

Let’s start with our favorite Citrus essential oils.

Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis L)

This is the one of the first essential oils that I turn to when I want to FEEL better, either about myself or about my day.

If someone is beastly to me and I have a sudden dip in confidence, I reach for the Sweet Orange. If my day goes from bad to worse and I need an injection of positivity, then Sweet Orange does that for me too. It really does make you FEEL better about yourself but also your situation.

I feel that emotionally as it lifts you with that gorgeous zesty zing, it allows your mind to open. That allows you to see things differently, change perspective or find alternative ways of thinking or solutions that you couldn’t see before.

We used to use it at exhibitions to draw people into the stand. Relaxed people tend to listen to you more intently and are therefore more likely to buy your product. Time and again it proved itself.

Think of the ways you could use this at home or at work to get people to relax and be more open to what you might have to say. It could help you with that extra confidence you need to speak your truth.

Safety for Sweet Orange Essential Oil:

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 2% or less. 
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Boost Your Confidence By Blending With Sweet Orange Essential Oil 

I like to blend it with Fennel Essential Oil (Foeniculum vulgare) and Lemongrass Essential Oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus) . Fennel helps you to find that stamina you need to see projects through and give you the kick up the bum you need to step out of your fear and into your confidence. Lemongrass is like optimism in a bottle and again helps us to connect with those wells of strength and resilience within us and summon the courage to bravely move forward. 

Safety for this essential oil blend:

    • Do not use it at all during pregnancy.
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia)

Bergamot is widely used in the industry to reduce anxiety. Often to boost confidence we need to address and alleviate underlying anxieties first and Bergamot should be top of your list for this purpose.

Bergamot can be used regularly to help to address negative feelings such as hopelessness, feeling a failure and being down on oneself, all of these contribute to increasing feelings of anxiety. Bergamot can bring in feelings of hope, cheerfulness and a sense of wellbeing.

We know from the research being done by the medical fraternity that inhaling Bergamot essential oil promotes relaxation, reduces stress and elevates feelings of hopefulness. Using it regularly and consistently can help you to feel calmer throughout the day.

Safety For Bergamot Essential Oil :

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 0.4% or less.
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Boost Your Confidence By Blending With Bergamot Essential Oil 

I like to blend it with Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia serrata) and Cardamom Essential Oil (Elettaria cardamomum) . Frankincense offers that spiritual calming and gives you the sense that the Universe has everything covered and all will be well with the world. Cardamom helps you find those wells of inner strength and reminds you of your innate resilience.

Safety for this essential oil blend:

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 0.4% or less. 
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon L (Burm.) F. )

Lemon essential oil is incredibly uplifting for someone struggling with their confidence. Breathing in its sweet, clean and bright scent causes a feeling of happiness as serotonin is released in the brain, giving that intense feeling of wellbeing.

It can also invigorate you and make you feel like you have the energy and wherewithal to do what you need to do. Giving you that extra boost of motivation.

Using Lemon essential oil is a great way to regain a positive outlook on life and feel better about yourself and the way you present to the world.

Safety for Lemon Essential Oil:

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 2% or less.
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Boost Your Confidence By Blending With Lemon Essential Oil

I like to blend it with Sweet Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum basilicum) and Black Pepper Essential Oil (Piper Nigrum) for a zingy, spicy sensation that really warms things up. Sweet Basil kicks you out of your comfort zone, usually laughing at yourself. Allow its contagious enthusiasm to uplift you and get you moving out of your safe zone. Black Pepper helps to keep your hands on feeling in control….even out of your comfort zone. It fosters that deeper confidence that allows you to feel in control of your direction too. 

Safety for this  essential oil blend:

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 2% or less.
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Let’s look at some of those gorgeous floral essential oils now--

Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia)

Lavender is second to none when it comes to alleviating nervousness and calming your nerves. Profoundly relaxing and calming, you can’t go far wrong with choosing Lavender essential oil.

Lavender promotes peace and helps center you in your feelings without them overwhelming you. It creates space for you to relax, think things through and act accordingly. This can boost and build confidence by allowing room for new perspectives.

Confidence is easier to garner when you are more at peace, calm, relaxed and centered. Lavender can help you find this calm space within you.

Safety For Lavender Essential Oil: 

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Blending With Lavender Essential Oil

I like to blend it with Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Peppermint Essential Oil  (Mentha piperita) for a fresh and lively essential blend. Rosemary really helps you to focus and find clarity even in stressful situations. Peppermint is a wonderful stimulant. Blended together the Lavender helps you find that calm center, Rosemary helps you see the wood for the trees and Peppermint drives you forward with clarity and confidence.

Safety for this essential oil blend: 

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy
    • Rosemary Specific -
      1. Rosemary contains constituents proven to be pro-convulsive for some people, be cautious with this essential oil if you have epilepsy.
      2. It contains constituents that can be neurotoxic and can affect psychosis or delusory issues like schizophrenia; use with extreme caution if you experience or are diagnosed with any of these.
      3. The stimulant nature of Rosemary may also stimulate your blood pressure, so those with Hypertension - High Blood Pressure need to use it with caution, if at all.
      4. If you have any of these conditions and wish to use Rosemary, please consult your relevant medical professional for advice and supervision.
      5. High in carvone, the maximum dilution of this oil is 1.4%.
    • Peppermint Specific -
      1. Peppermint stimulates the heart, so it carries a mild risk of fibrillation. 
      2. Anyone with epilepsy or a heart condition should use only the smallest dilutions. 
      3. G6PD is a blood disorder that mainly affects males. Therefore, Peppermint essential oil is not suitable for patients with G6PD Deficiency.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil (Pelargonium Roseum)

Rose Geranium is one of those essential oils that I turn to when my day is going to pot. It’s usually the first one that I reach for. I find it balances me, returns me to my equilibrium.

It is the one essential oil that makes me feel good about myself, especially at times where I need a little extra confidence. I used to dot it behind my ears (diluted, of course) when I had to meet & greet and be the first point of call for 300-500 people over a weekend. It bolstered me and enabled me to work through my self doubt.

It picks you up when you're feeling down, brushes you off and fixes your crown and sends you back on your way feeling renewed and refocused.

It can help you work through situations where you don’t feel confident and hold your hand as it were.

Safety For Rose Geranium Essential Oil : 

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Boost Your Confidence by Blending with Rose Geranium Essential Oil 

I like to blend it with Lime Essential Oil (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) and Grapefruit Essential Oil (Citrus paradisi). It creates a bright fresh blend that uplifts you to a new level. The bright zingy citrus notes elevate you and your thinking. It is just what you need when you need to think quickly or on your feet and be ready to answer anything. Use this blend when you lack confidence and need the gift of the gab.

Safety for this essential oil blend: 

    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 0.7% or less. 
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Cananga Odorata)

Ylang Ylang is another balancing essential oil that helps you regain equilibrium and your center. Its deep, heady fragrance can ground and anchor you into reality and help you see the big picture.

Its sedative effects can be employed to help calm your autonomic nervous system and reduce your feelings of anxiety and stress.

I use this essential oil widely and it is one that I use daily. I believe that it helps me stay calm in a crisis and helps me focus on the task at hand without getting swayed by emotion, doubts or fears.

It can help develop confidence in your capability to cope, improve resilience and build wider confidence in yourself.

Safety for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: 

    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Boost Your Confidence by Blending With Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 

When I’m feeling a little bit decadent I like to blend it with Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum) and Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia serrata). It is a special blend that always feels quite sacred to me, one reserved for truly special occasions.

The world is going mad professing self care and telling you every which way to do it. This blend is what my self care looks like. I allow myself to dip into my precious bottle of Indian Jasmine and indulge. The Frankincense brings a more ancient and sacred element that you can use to not only honor the god(s) that are important to you. But also yourself.

Honoring your feelings, where you are in life, what you have achieved….or not, is vital for building confidence in yourself. Accepting you are right where you are, with what you have is key to inner peace. Confidence comes when we are more at peace with ourselves.

Don’t be afraid to harness the more esoteric and spiritual aspects of essential oils to assess, review, accept and honor your confidences. 


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Jasmin Specific - Use in dilutions of 0.6% or below. 

Our Favorite Essential Oil Blends and Recipes

This is just the place to find your perfect confidence essential oil blends, you can design them to suit yourself. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends that may need a confidence boost too. The holidays will soon be upon us, so it is worth considering making more and putting them aside for holiday gifts. 

Safety Notes

Please note ALL of these recipes are designed with a safety dilution ratio for healthy adults. You may wish to reduce the ratio accordingly to suit yourself or your recipients.

    • 3% dilution for adults
    • 2% for people in a weakened state
    • 1% for children over the age of 6. 
    • 0.5% for children under 6 but over 6 months old. 

We do not recommend using essential oils on children under the age of 6 months old, unless it is an emergency.

You must check the safety dilution ratio for each essential oil you are using as they may be different, for example Jasmine is 0.6% and Rosemary is 1.4%.

You can find this on the DOCUMENTS tab for each essential oil under SAFETY SYNOPSIS.

Let’s Get Started

These essential oil blends for confidence are very simple and just need to be diluted in your favorite carrier oil. We recommend Sweet Almond or Jojoba but you can use carrier oils like Grapeseed, Argan and Coconut oil, just as readily.

You can then take these blends and add them to your roller balls, aroma pendants or toiletries and beauty products. If you intend to use them in candles or diffusers you may want to leave them undiluted for now. 

For each of the blends you will need the following:

    • A small measuring jug 
    • Stainless steel spoon or stirrer
    • Funnel
    • 20ml dropper bottle
    • Label
    • 19ml of your chosen Carrier Oil. (We recommend Sweet Almond and Jojoba).

The method is the same for all the Confidence essential oil blends.

    1. Simply measure out your carrier oil.
    2. Add the essential oils and combine well.
    3. Decant using a funnel into a dropper bottle or rollerball and lid tightly.
    4. Label clearly with all ingredients for safety reasons.
    5. Always carry out a 24-48 hour patch test on your inner wrist or elbow.

See below for ways on how to boost your confidence with essential oil blends. 

The Supreme Confidence Essential Oil Blend

This is the one to choose when you really have to go in all guns blazing and bravado leading the way. Let this Confidence essential oil blend drag you kicking and screaming into the limelight. Allow it to hold space beautifully for you, enabling you to shine and share your light with the world.

In 19 ml of carrier oil add the following:

Essential oils:


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Use in very low dilutions on the skin 0.4% or less. 
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

The Quick Fix Confidence Essential Oil Blend

This is the Confidence essential oil blend to grab when you need a quick fix, something that is going to work fast for you. This centers you quickly, allows you to focus, find clarity and gain new perspectives. It calms you and helps reduce anxiety for you to be able to tackle the task at hand. Building confidence from the inside out. 

This is a great one for a rollerball to carry in your purse or pocket.

In 19 ml of carrier oil add the following:

Essential oils:


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.

The Self Worth, Self Esteem and Confidence Builder Essential Oil Blend

Our self worth, self esteem and confidence are all different things and when we suffer a decline in one area, the others can often be affected as well. It can be hard to feel confident when our self esteem is in our boots. Let this essential oil blend assist you in nurturing all these separate areas. Allow it to support you emotionally and spiritually for more balanced and well rounded confidence.

Essential oils:


    • Do not use it in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Bergamot Specific - Use in very low dilutions on the skin 0.4% or less. 
    • Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

The Honor Thyself Confidence Essential Oil Blend

This is where honoring thyself in whatever space you find yourself. Accepting where you are, your feelings, your emotions, your graces and your flaws. Allow it to embrace you as you are and feel safe and secure in your journey. Let it bolster your confidence by reminding you that you are indeed perfect JUST as you ARE. 

Essential oils:


    • Do not use it in the first 37 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Lemon Specific - Phytotoxic - Do not expose the skin to direct sunlight (or sunbeds) for 12 hours after use as it could irritate the skin and cause rashes.

Boost Your Confidence With Your New Essential Oil Blends

You have made your Confidence essential oils blends and now you are wondering “How can I use these”?

Well, let me show you how!


Your blend is already diluted and so you can put it straight into a rollerball bottle and use it as it is. Make sure you clearly label the rollerball so you don’t forget which blend it is and have all the ingredients listed for safety reasons.

    1. Apply to your pulse points at the wrist, inner elbows  and temples as and when needed. 
    2. Rub it into the skin well until it fully absorbs. 
    3. Take care not to stain your clothes as this is an oil based product. 

Aroma Pendants

Put your essential oil blend in a dropper bottle when you make it. Label it clearly listing all ingredients for safety reasons.

    1. Simply add a drop or two from the bottle’s dropper to your felt/cotton pad or lava bead.
    2. Let the oil fully absorb before wearing.
    3. Take care not to stain your clothes as this is an oil based product. 
    4. Refresh as needed.
    5. Swap out the felt/cotton pads for a new one when you use a different blend. Or wash your lava bead thoroughly before adding a new blend to it. 

Beauty Products and Toiletries

The recipes for these Confidence essential oil blends are all formulated to be skin safe in the amount of carrier oil stated. You can confidently add these diluted essential oil blends into your beauty products and toiletries.

You can use the essential oil blend and add it to a blank base for bath oil, a body oil or a body lotion. You can even add it to your daily moisturizer. I very often do this, as it is the one product that I am sure to use every day.

Just exercise some caution around those blends that have cold pressed citrus essential oils like Bergamot and Sweet Orange as they are phytotoxic and can cause rashes or discoloration when exposed to the sun. Allow at least twelve hours before exposing your skin to the sun. That’s why mine goes in my night time moisturizer.

Simply mix it in thoroughly to your product and be mindful adding water based products as oil will float on water, you need to make sure it emulsifies properly into the water based product. 


Always follow your individual manufacturers guidance for your personal diffuser. They tend to vary.

Some ask you to dilute your essential oils in a carrier oil, others ask you to use JUST essential oils dropped into water, like mine.

You can make up a blend of pure essential oils if that is what you need. It will not be going on your skin, so the skin safety dilution rates don’t apply. But it is worth following the same ratio in the recipe, because I will always consider the SCENT of a blend as part of the balance of the recipe.

Let's look at this blend as an example: 

Jasmin is pretty heady and I don’t want it to overpower the beauty of the Rose. It is important to be able to smell the Rose, because here it is the heart of the recipe and where you will get the most from it emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, it is important that it shines through. The sharpness of the Lemon is needed to brighten the profile and brings in all her wonderful properties to kickstart that confidence.

Both Jasmine and Lemon need to be used with caution as they can be dermal irritants in too high a ratio. Jasmine should be 0.60% or less and Lemon is 2% or less, which is reflected in the proportion of the blend. This does not apply in a diffuser blend, but the ratio is ALSO about the scent profile, so stick to the same ratio.

A part could be a tsp, a tbsp or a ¼ cup - stick to the ratio given and that way you can make larger quantities and know that it will do what I originally intended it to do for you!

This principle only applies to diffusers and candles, do NOT use it for products that will be used upon the skin

Scented Candles

You can use the same principle as described above to work out the ratios for using essential blends to use in homemade Scented Candles.

You can use the instructions in this article How To Make Scented Candles With Essential Oils to create your own Confidence essential oil candle.

It’s a very easy process and one that can yield exciting results.

Around the Home

When you start wondering how to boost your confidence, I appreciate, it is not the first thing that might spring to mind. However, you can use these Confidence essential oil blends around the home.

When you use them around the home as well as on your person, you are bolstering the effect that it can have on you. Targeting and enhancing your confidence from all directions so to speak.

Consider adding your Confidence essential oil blends to the following:

    • Room Spray - Take it anywhere you go.
    • Laundry Detergent - For those days when you need ‘power’ clothes.
    • Scented Sachets for your closet - For lasting fragrance and confidence boosting through the day.
    • Car Air Freshener - for that confidence boost before work.

You can find all my best ideas on how to you can use these Confidence essential oil blends in these exciting articles:

Layering Perfumes With Essential Oils - The Home Edition

How To Use Aromatherapy Around The Home

The Final Word

I hope that you will agree that you have found new, exciting and accessible ways when you are looking at how to boost your confidence. These simple but versatile Confidence essential oil blends can be used in a myriad of ways to support you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually just when you need it most.

Remember, confidence is more easily garnered when you are calm and relaxed, so reach for the Lavender essential oil to calm you. We can tackle challenging tasks when we feel better about ourselves or uplifted, so reach for the Bergamot or Sweet Orange. When you’re having an epically crap day, reach for the Rose Geranium and Ylang Ylang to comfort, cosset and inspire you.

Plan Thoughtfully

Spend a little time working out which products are going to be best suited to you and the way you live your life. Rollerballs are ideal for busy people that need a quick lift through the day. An aroma pendant is great for exams where you might be restricted what items you can take in with you.

Room sprays can change the atmosphere of a room in a blink of an eye and can be a gamechanger at home for soothing fractious temperaments. They can also be a boon in the office and the boardroom for creating an atmosphere tilted in your favor.

Supporting yourself with confidence essential oil blends in your toiletries and beauty products as well as round the home bolsters and enhances the whole effect for you and slowly but surely raises your feelings of confidence and self worth.

You will get much more when you take time to plan and assess the best ways to use your Confidence essential oil blends. Also consider how they might help someone that you know and love. Just remember to lower the safety dilution appropriately for kids.

When you want to know how to boost your confidence, look no further. Get blending!

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