Cedarwood Recipes

Cedarwood Blend Suggestions

We previously shared some simple pairings of oils that go well with Cedarwood. I hope you took notes and have started to build your own little recipe bank of things you like. Now, I want to share some of my favorite 3 oil diffuser blends.ย  As suggested in the Cedarwood Blending article I encourage you to play with the number of drops in each blend. Keep in mind that we donโ€™t want too many drops of oil in our diffusers, but play and see what you enjoy, taking notes as you do.


We all know how great a good night's sleep feels. But for many of us, sleep is elusive and hard to get. Whilst there are a number of reasons why sleep is evading us, we can use our essential oils to help us fall asleep and stay asleep.ย  This blend was designed to help calm us, preparing us to fall asleep, and more importantly, stay asleep all night.ย 

From a therapeutic perspective, Cedarwood is known to have a sedative effect but it also helps the mind to switch off from negative thoughts and feelings.ย  Lavender is well known for its calming and relaxing abilities, and many people find it nurturing, helping us to feel comforted. Vetiver is grounding and calming, and will help you stay sleeping. It will also help you feel safe and assured in your bedroom sanctuary.

    How to Use

    I like to add this blend to my diffuser and diffuse it for approximately 30 minutes before I attempt to go to sleep. I turn off the diffuser before hopping into bed, and I inhale the dreamy aroma. Creating a healthy sleep routine is important when it comes to good quality sleep. This blend will help prepare the mind and body for sleep.

      • This blend is not designed for topical use.ย 
      • Lavender, whilst noted for its ability to be calming and sedative, can have the opposite effect for some people. Less is definitely more when it comes to Lavender and sleep.

      Get Up

      Do you ever feel like you need a gentle kick to help get you up and moving to get your work done? Well, this blend was designed to do just that. Cedarwood helps you get into collaboration mode and gives you the courage to do what needs to be done. Ylang Ylang is added to help you be mindful as you work. Peppermint will remind you to move forward with purpose and bravely.

        How to Use

        Add to your ultrasonic diffuser or oil burner near your working space. Diffuser for 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off. This is known as intermittent diffusion and is recommended best practice. If you work in an open, shared workspace do not use this blend unless you know all your work colleaguesโ€™ health issues.


        This blend is created specifically for diffuser use only. Peppermint can slow down oneโ€™s breathing, so keep away from children, the elderly and Asthma sufferers. Do not diffuse this blend around cats. They cannot metabolize phenols, citruses and menthol - Peppermint is rich in Menthol.ย 

        No More Stress

        Stress is something we all experience at some point throughout our lives to varying degrees. It is not something we can avoid, only something that we can manage. Using essential oils can help us to manage our emotions when it comes to stress. Like many of us, Iโ€™ve been juggling the whole โ€œSuper Momโ€ life and keeping it balanced. It ainโ€™t easy juggling kids, homeschooling, working from home and keeping up with all the housework. I used this blend to help me not get too overwhelmed. Cedarwood gives me strength and encourages me to be strong, grounded yet feeling courageous. The Frankincense reminds me that I am protected. It is often used in meditation and spiritual practices. It helps slow down and deepen my breathing which can become shallow and fast when I am overly stressed. The Lavender is calming, relaxing and highly nurturing. It reminds me of a warm hug from my grandmother. She always made me feel like I was safe, and that everything would be alright in the end. It is nice to have this scent as a reminder of this feeling.ย 

          How to Use

          This blend is designed for your diffuser, however, hereโ€™s another way you can use it if you donโ€™t have a diffuser. Grab a small jar, place some Himalayan salt or Epsom salts into it and add the essential oils listed. Close the jar tightly, and allow the oils to absorb into the salt. When you start to feel the feelings of stress arise, open the jar, place it under your nose and inhale deeply. Take 3 to 4 deep and slow breaths, allowing the aroma to create calm within your body and mind.ย  Why a small jar? It is something you can have with you, on the go, and use whenever those stressed feelings arise.

          You could also add this blend to a nasal inhaler stick. Or onto a cotton ball, and place it into a small jar. The possibilities are endless.

            • This blend is designed for aromatic use only, not for topical application.
            • Peppermint can slow the breathing down, so avoid using it around young children, the elderly, asthmatics, and your pets, especially cats.

            Get Focused

            Isnโ€™t it interesting how attractive things like social media apps, Netflix, YouTube and the like, when we have lots to do? Or when we are creatively avoiding work? Iโ€™ll admit I get super distracted working from home, and I think we all discovered that there is a multitude of things to distract us at home. Things like the kids, that huge pile of laundry or even that load of dishes. These chores arenโ€™t attractive but when we are avoiding work and being unfocused, they become the most important thing. This blend is designed to help you get focused, and stay focused, so you can achieve those work goals. A completed to-do list is such a refreshing feeling. A completed task list also keeps the boss off your back too - an added bonus if you ask me.

            So, why these oils? The Cedarwood help ground us, to stay strong in our resolve to complete the task at hand. Lemon is added to clear the mind, gently uplifting us and guiding us away from confusion. Rosemary is added to help us feel unstuck and be creative in the right direction.

              How to Use

              Add to your diffuser whilst you work.ย 


              If in a crowded workspace, donโ€™t add it to your diffuser. Others may find it distracting or overwhelming as they may not get used to essential oil diffusion. This blend is designed for aromatic use only. Alternatively, you can add the oils to a small jar and some Himayalan or Epsom salts, and sniff to help you get focused.

              Forest Bathingย 

              Have you ever been on a walk in a forest or out in nature? It's extremely calming and soothing for the soul. In Japan, this is called Shinrin yoku, and the research they have done demonstrates how wonderful it is as a practice for relaxation and reducing stress. For a lot of us, taking time out in nature and spending time in a forest isnโ€™t practicable. Thankfully we can recreate the aroma of the forest with our essential oils.ย ย 

              How to Use

              Add the oils to your diffuser, sit down and breathe deeply. Inhale the divine aromas, and allow their relaxing properties to fill you with a sense of peace and tranquility. Allow each muscle and fiber of your being to feel calm, soothed and at peace.ย 

                • This blend is designed specifically for aromatic diffusion only, and not for topical application.ย 

              I am Grounded

              During turbulent times, our minds are working overtime, and our hearts are filled with a sense of stress. We can become what some call flighty, or off with the pixies as we are in our heads too much. We feel like we are floating away. We need something to anchor us back to the earth. That is what this blend is all about. It is about grounding us with a sense of strength, courage, love and peace. I must say this one I used quite a bit over the past 2 years to help me stay in the here and now, grounded and in the moment.

              How to Use

              Add the oils to your diffuser. Stand upright, close your eyes, inhale the smells, and visualize yourself like a big, strong tree. Grounded into the earth, but flowing with the breeze. Do this for a few moments, or for at least 10 big deep breaths. You will help yourself drop back into your body, and out of your head.

                • This blend is designed specifically for aromatic diffusion only, and not for topical application.ย 

              Morning Glory

              Starting the day off on the right foot makes life move a lot easier, and this blend can help you step out with happiness, joy and calmness. Now, Iโ€™m not a morning person, I admit it. In fact, give me more sleep and Iโ€™ll be happier. But family, kids and work comes a calling, so up and go I must. Since I started using this blend, my family think Iโ€™ve become a different person. Iโ€™ve fooled many into thinking I am now a morning person, all because I started off on the right note as I awoke.

              How to Use

              Pop these oils into your diffuser first thing in the morning, sit down and breathe deeply for a few moments. Think about all that you need to do for the day, and how much joy and happiness you can and will share with all who cross your path. Think of all you are grateful for, and how you can serve and support others during the day.

                • This blend is designed specifically for aromatic diffusion only, and not for topical application.ย 

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